Sunday, May 24, 2020
Dell s Value Chain For The Profitability Of The Company
Introduction This paper will enumerate a brief background of Dell, customer Focus Company that has maximized its value chain for the profitability of the company. This paper will analyze the unique value chain of the company. Furthermore, the paper will evaluate how Dell has used its direct sales and build-to-order model to develop an exceptional supply chain. The main advantages and disadvantages of Dell’s direct sales model will also be analyzed. Also noted is how Dell competes with other retailers that already have stocks in house and how Dell’s supply chain deals with the bullwhip effect. Finally an inferred conclusion is made about the company’s value chain and its role in the company financial status in the market. Identify the business problem that Dell needs to resolve From the case study about dell’s value chain, the company does not seem to have any problems that need to be resolved with regards to its value chain. Identify the relevant background information Dell computer is a customer focus company that has maximized its value chain for the profitability of the company; the company focuses on researching their customers wants, needs, and leverages the research information to enhance the profitability of the company and its suppliers. To this end, Dell uses direct sales business strategy; offering products to customers mainly through the internet. Furthermore, by offering unlimited varieties of their build- to- order desktop, note book and other products, theShow MoreRelatedDell Financial Strategy Analysis812 Words  | 3 PagesDell Financial Analysis Introduction In their latest full fiscal year, Dell Corporation (NASDAQ: DELL) generated global revenues of $62B, earning a Net Income of $3.4B. Of this figure, $19B is directly attributable to their mobility business initiatives, which have been the most profitable and fastest growing of any in the history of the company (Dell Investor Relations, 2012). Dell is known for their expertise in mass customization and lean manufacturing strategies predicated on one of the mostRead MoreAssessment of Dells Approach to Operations Management1287 Words  | 5 PagesApproach to Operations Management Introduction Dell Corporation (NASDAQ: DELL) is a global leader in operations management, supply chain management (SCM), logistics and advanced lean manufacturing techniques. While hundreds of companies have attempted to attain the level of performance they have using their unique approach to operations management and supply chain synchronization to demand forecasting, few have attained the level of production efficiency Dell has. The center of their strength as a highRead MoreDell: Process Strategies and Analysis1293 Words  | 5 PagesDell Process Strategies Analysis Introduction Dell Corporation (NASDAQ: DELL) generated global sales of $62B in revenue, earning a Net Income of $3.4B. Dell relies heavily on supply chain management (SCM) and optimization strategies to support their mass customization process strategy, often achieving inventory turns of 26X or greater on a consistent basis (Gunasekaran, Ngai, 2009). Due to the agility of their mass customization strategy, Dell has been very successful in moving into new marketsRead MoreIntroduction to Supply Chain Management System: Dell Computer Corporation1451 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction to Supply Chain Management (SCM) System Supply chain management (SCM) is the combination of activities which help a company to improve the methods to make a product or service and deliver it to customers. (Larson, 2004) SCM encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing, procurement, conversion, and logistics management activities. More importantly, it includes coordination and collaboration with other people who are associated with the business likeRead MoreDell Inc. : Falling Innovation At Dell1385 Words  | 6 PagesFalling Innovation at Dell Dell Inc. (Dell) is an American privately owned multinational computer technology company based in Round Rock, Texas, United States, that develops, sells, repairs, and supports computers and related products and services (Wikipedia, 2016). Dell founded in 1984 by Michael dell, is the world famous computer systems, computer products and service provider in the first place (Jones, 2013, P.388). According to Jones (2013), during mid 1990s to 2007, Dell was developing with aRead MoreDell s Competitive Advantage Analysis1370 Words  | 6 PagesDell Inc. (Dell) is an American privately owned multinational computer technology company based in Round Rock, Texas, United States, that develops, sells, repairs, and supports computers and related products and services (Wikipedia, 2016). Dell founded in 1984 by Michael dell, is the world famous computer systems, computer products and service provider in the first place (Jones, 2013, P.388). According to Jones (2013), during mid 1990s to 2007, Dell was developing with a rapid speed and profitingRead MoreMatching Dell1437 Words  | 6 Pagesadvantages, which heavily depend on extremely successful direct sales model and supply chain management. We will wrap up the case with some recommendations. The PC industry has started to develop fast in the 80s when IBM, the leader of the industry thanks to the first mover advantage, launched its first PC series and later on when numerous small companies entered the market. PC is a new product and companies had to create the demand to it from the scratch. We will apply the Porters 5 Forces modelRead MoreDell Inc And How It Uses Customer Data Drive The Manufacturing Of Its Products1348 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction This essay will focus predominantly on Dell Compter Inc and how it uses customer data to drive the manufacturing of its products. Discussion on how Dell uses technology to make business decisions is presented. The current model of distribution is investigated and finally recommendations will be made in terms of overall improvement to the current operating model. This paper will discuss how Dell pioneered a shift in computer manufacturing, the method it used to become a leader in thatRead MoreCase Study Dell Computer4973 Words  | 20 PagesCASE STUDY amp; ARTICLES: DELL COMPUTER ARTICLES amp; INFORMATION Supply Chains - A Manager s Guide - Chapter 1 (abstracts) by David A. Taylor Cost reduction is the number-one reason that companies initiate supply chain improvements. But there’s an even bigger opportunity here: Supply chain improvements are good for the bottom line, but they can be even better for the top line. Getting the supply chain right can give a company a tremendous competitive advantage, and sometimes that advantageRead MoreDell, Inc. Research Application 2-281568 Words  | 7 PagesDell, Inc. Research and Application 2-28 Managerial Accounting BUS 630 Professor Ruizhen Hardin July 18, 2011 Outline I. Research and Application 2-28 a. What is Dell’s strategy for success in the marketplace? Does the company rely primarily on a customer intimacy, operational excellence, or product leadership customer value proposition? What evidence supports your conclusion? b. What Business risks does Dell face that may threaten its ability to satisfy stockholder expectations? What
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Meditation Worksheet - 1056 Words
Axia College Material Appendix A Meditation Worksheet Directions: Locate two resources on the Internet that explain meditation techniques. Copy and paste the Web address into the top of the matrix. After reviewing the Web site, provide a brief summary for each source. Below your summary, list two interesting facts you learned from each site. Try the techniques you located in your Internet search. Provide a brief description of what happened in your experience. Be sure to answer the two questions below the matrix also. Web Address (URL): Summary of resource: Meditation is a form of stress management that will allow our mind to experience an oasis of peace and love within our†¦show more content†¦I like the Raja meditation because it deals with our minds. When I tried this technique I found myself in a nicer state of mind. I was able to think clearly and I was able to appreciate life a little more than I did before. I was able to focus better on my homework while drowning out the extra noise around me. With both techniques I was more pleasant to be around and I was less moody. 1. Do you think meditation leads to heightened sensation and perception? Explain why or why not. Oh yes I do think it does lead to heightened sensations because when you allow your mind to open up to a different place you can actually feel it. Say you do the first meditation that I have tried. It takes your mind to any place you want to go. So when you get there you can feel the warm breeze on your face and smell the ocean air. You are able to hear the waves crashing on the rocks and sand and hear the gulls flying around in the sky. You can actually see the blue skies and the few white puffy clouds. It is amazing where one’s mind can take you. 2. Have you considered integrating meditation into your own lifestyle? If so, list one strategy for fitting meditation into your schedule. If not, explain why. Yes I have once brought meditation in my life when I was in high school. I think I need to bring it back to my life now because it has been so stressful andShow MoreRelatedEssay on REL 133 week 4 Daoism Worksheet985 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ Daoism Worksheet Carrie Shellie Cobbs World Religious Traditions I REL 133 Robert Mossman July 20, 2014 Daoism Worksheet University of Phoenix Material Daoism Worksheet Complete the following questions in detail. Answer each question with a 1- or 2-paragraph response that includes a reference citation. Make use of Experiencing the World’s Religions and other sources in your research as you complete the questions. 1. Describe the principles of yang and yin. As stated by the Shen-nongRead MoreCase Assessment1307 Words  | 6 Pagesability to effectively communicate thoughts/feelings (measured via personal report and positive data log) †¢Reduce negative automatic thoughts (measured via daily thought record) †¢Modify core beliefs of need for control (measured via core belief worksheet) †¢Acquire relapse prevention skills (measured directly) Treatment Modality †¢Initial individual cognitive-behavioral therapy †¢Followed by family therapy Treatment Frequency †¢Initial weekly individual cognitive-behavioral therapy †¢FollowedRead MoreGroup Therapy Proposal For Combat Related Ptsd5087 Words  | 21 PagesThe session will end with another deep breathing exercise to allow the group members to mentally come back down from any anxiety provoking topics discussed. Members will get a take-home handout of mindfulness skills (Appendix D) and a mindfulness meditation practice guide (Appendix E). Facilitator will encourage group members to practice these techniques at home. Group members will be thanked for attending and dismissed until next session. Session 2: Coping Strategies Resources This session willRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )2011 Words  | 9 Pagesof entertainment, sleep, skills development and cognitive-behavioral development, home scheduling, study habits, minimizing distractions/external stimuli, and hobbies to instill relaxation and focus in daily habits. Activity: â€Å"My New Lifestyle†worksheet WEEK 6: TOPIC: How can this group help me? What do I want to get out of group? Discussion: Identify personal goals for each member. Activity: Write goal(s) on sheet of paper, seal in envelope to open at end of group. WEEK 7: TOPIC: Coping skillsRead MoreHow Technology Can Improve Ones Time Management Skills Essay2076 Words  | 9 Pageshelps bump up the production of ones brain s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins. Although this function is often referred to as a runner s high, a rousing game of tennis or a nature hike also can contribute to this same feeling. It s meditation in motion. After a fast-paced game of racquetball or several laps in the pool, one ll often find that one ve forgotten the day s irritations and concentrated only on ones body s movements. As one begin to regularly shed ones daily tensions throughRead MoreThe And Process : The Power Of Support2311 Words  | 10 Pagesguidelines †¢ Restate the confidential rules Activity: ‘Understanding Yourself’ (20 minutes) †¢ Hand out worksheet (e.g., Emotion resilience, word of feelings, stress emergency kit, †¢ Give explanation of activity †¢ Apply the resent thoughts and feelings about your loss assessment tool Break (15 minutes) Processing (45 minutes) †¢ Have each group member share their information from their worksheet Closing (15 minutes) †¢ Round Robin of a one word feeling †¢ Circle of Confidentiality Working session:Read MoreSocial Awareness Of East Flatbush Community1818 Words  | 8 Pagesremaining school day. Each day the teacher assigns different students to lead the meditation in front of the class. The students are very engaged during this exercise and keep them calm for the few minutes they work on it. For social studies the students worked on Egypt and Saudi Arabia. For Egypt the received different worksheets for homework and came back the next day with hem completed to have a class discussion. Each worksheet had a reading and assessment part in which the student shad to either pickRead MoreSummary Of Fred Harrison s Life Essay2104 Words  | 9 PagesIcebreaker or Energizer activity is complete Fred and his employees will complete a worksheet shown in Appendix B: Icebreakers and Energizer Lab sheet of their personal thoughts during the activities completed. Examples of an Arousal Regulation activity are deep breathing exercise, progressive muscle relaxation, and chakra meditation. After these activities are complete Fred and his employees will complete a worksheet shown in Appendix C: Arousal Lab Sheet of their personal thoughts of which ArousalRead MoreTreatment with Effective Interventions3273 Words  | 14 Pagesrather than try to force sleep ââ€" ª Leave a paper and pen to write worries down instead of ruminating on them ââ€" ª Learn best practices for sleep (cooler room, limit caffeine, calming time before bed) ââ€" ª Listen to relaxation/meditation music to aid falling asleep Social Skills Goal: Improve social skills ââ€" ª Speak in a clear and concise way so others fully understand him/her ââ€" ª Learn to express feelings verbally without acting out Read MorePACO 500 Identity And Ethics LAT 2 Revised Essay3666 Words  | 15 PagesI understand that goals are established based on mutual collaboration with the counselor, and I am responsible for completing any assignments recommended to assist toward a positive outcome. These assignments may include journaling, prayer and meditation, or reading. I understand that I am responsible for my words and actions and can make my own decisions regarding counseling. I understand that once treatment alternatives for my specific problem are identified, I am responsible for my progress
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Smithfield Food’s Vertical Integration Strategy - 2800 Words
Smithfield food’s vertical integration strategy 1. What are the most important elements of Smithfield Food’s strategy? 1. They chose the food industry – in particular the red meat sector. 2. Their core business focus was on mainly pork, and beef to a lesser extent. 3. The company opted for an aggressive growth strategy which is primarily based on amongst others a geographic expansion: o They carried out 32 acquisitions since 1981. o They expanded into foreign markets – Smithfield made acquisitions in Canada, France, Romania and Poland. Acquired meat processors in Poland and Romania; including a hog farming operation in the latter country. 4. They followed a product diversification strategy, in order to grow: 5. This resulted in†¦show more content†¦They saved local farms and brought jobs to this region. They also shouldered the risk of hog prices, thereby protecting the farmers. Smithfield was also able to satisfy customer demands of better products at lower prices. The local farming community showed their tacit support by their eagerness to do business with Smithfield as there was a two year long waiting list in 1998 for farmers wishing to enter into contract farming! o The company should be proud of its business model. A business model refers to how and why the business will generate revenues, cover costs, and produce profits and a positive ROE. Annual sales in 2006 of $11 billion from $1.5 billion in 1995 and an average compound growth rate of 24% during the decade speak volumes. However attention is required in addressing the following: †¢ Concerns from the industry observers on contract farming – more specifically their â€Å"debt laden†nature †¢ Allegations of unfair labour practices- low pay/ low quality, in addition the recruitment of migrant labour from Central or South America that may be open to exploitation. †¢ Allegations of detrimental environmental practices – impact of concentrated cluster of hog farms on the environment. †¢ Limited purchase of feed, machinery and fuel from local sources. †¢ Although, trivial the issue of the â€Å"smell†in the air Essentially this business model was able to ensure profitability and sustainability of the company, because economies of scale in
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Crime, Morality And The Criminal Justice System - 1858 Words
A victimless crime is an illegal act or offense that involves consenting adults and no party is harmed or injured during the act. Such offenses are considered illegal, but there is no apparent victim. Although there are several disagreements to whether or not a crime is victimless or not four of the most commonly identified victimless crimes, also known as public order offenses, are: drug use, prostitution, pornography through sexting, and gambling. Victimless crimes have been the topic of a heated debate, primarily centered on the question to whether or not these victimless crimes are crimes at all. Another issue that is constantly argued is whether or not victimless crimes should be free from governmental interference. Although the term is difficult to define, the government should interfere with victimless crimes because there can be much harm done not only to the individual committing these acts but also possible unwilling victims around them. Victimless crimes highlight a signi ficant number of issues concerning crime, morality and the criminal justice system. Some of the major issues victimless crimes have are: perceptions of the public and police concerning s, including perceived seriousness and harm; the impact of victimless crimes on other members of society, including quality of life issues; the potential economic impact of the various victimless acts (both positive and negative), and the community factors that affect economic impact; and the effect of specificShow MoreRelatedCapital Punishment : A Form Of Legal Punishment Essay1672 Words  | 7 PagesCapital punishment implies that the criminal is sentenced to death as a punishment for their crimes. Prima facie, it appears to be the most just punishment and solution to crimes that demand such severity of punishment in proportion to the offense. However, the reason why it is a moot point and a debatable issue is because ethicists see both sides of the story and there are numerous ethical issues in volved with institutionalizing capital punishment. To understand the debate on capital punishmentRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is A Valued Part Of Our Judicial System860 Words  | 4 Pagesof our judicial system†Although the death penalty is opposed by many people, I believe capital punishment is a necessary and valued part of the judicial system for numerous reasons such as the ultimate warning message, the costs involved, and the morality of the punishment. The first reason that the death penalty is a valued part of our justice system is the notion that it serves as the ultimate warning message towards people considering crimes such as murder, or any other crime for that matterRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is The Only Good Enough Punishment1065 Words  | 5 Pagespenalty for murder are neither innocent nor victims. There’s nothing moral about how a criminal murders an innocent victim. These kinds of individuals should be removed from society permanently. The death penalty is the only good enough punishment for taking a human life unlawfully and is the only moral action (Van den Haag 1983). Our laws based ultimately on ancient Jewish laws which is the basis of all western morality and is in which the death penalty was practiced. The death penalty doesn’t contradictRead MoreClassification Of Law And Law912 Words  | 4 Pagesare rules for sports, the workplace, and games. There are also rules imposed by morality and cust om that play an important role in telling people what is right and what is wrong. However, some rules impose are called laws. In this paper analysis, the classifications of laws will be discussed and how it relates to the biblical concept of justice. The classifications of laws include: public versus private law, criminal versus civil law, substantive versus procedural law, common versus statutory lawRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is Not A Light Sentence1361 Words  | 6 Pagesmovie â€Å"The Purge,†America is bombarded with crime and over-populated correctional institutions; the government has endorsed a yearly 12-hour period in which any criminal action including homicide gets to be legitimate. The police can’t be called. Help of any kind is suspended. It is one night when society attempts to manage itself without laws. Would you live peacefully in a society that has to change its laws to placate anarchist, murderers, and criminals? To live behind the faà §ade of a safe communityRead MoreSocietal Trends That Impact the Criminal Justice System948 Words  | 4 PagesSOCIETAL TRENDS THAT IMPACT THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Suzie A. Anderson Everest University Online CCJ 1017-52 Criminology Jamie Onion April 8, 2012 Utilizing everything you have learned about crime and criminal behavior this term, you will now have the opportunity to think about the future of our society and how the criminal justice system should prepare. Identify and discuss the societal trends that will impact the criminal justice system over the next ten years. The societal trendsRead MoreA Summary On Capital Punishment1345 Words  | 6 Pagesexecuted for crimes they did not commit (â€Å"Executed†). Consequently, concerns of the constitutionality and morality of the death penalty are at the forefront of public focus. Additionally, even the effectiveness of this punishment is being called into question. According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, â€Å"The criminal justice system is the set of agencies and processes established by governments to control crime and impose penalties on those who violate laws†(â€Å"The Criminal†). A quick judgmentRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is Not And Never Will Be Deterrent1111 Words  | 5 Pagesyears but for decades. The criminal justice system is permeated with racial bias. The notion of fairness has yet to be proven in the criminal justice system. Many argue in cases of the most malignant crimes, the death penalty saves resources. This argument, however, does not squ are with reality due to the fact that the cost of capital felony cases are significantly higher than the costs of non-capital felony cases. The death penalty is not and never will be deterrent to crime. For example: The southRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Crime And Justice1538 Words  | 7 PagesAnnotated Bibliography on Crime and Justice Crime may simply be referred to as an offense against the state or against morality and is punishable by law, while justice is the fairness practiced during judgment of cases usually in instances where crime has taken place. Crime and justice go hand in hand as commonly evident in a case whereby a criminal is apprehended and taken to a court of law, then a ruling of justice practiced on the case and fairness used in passing of judgments. In most governmentsRead MoreStructural Functionalism And Structural Theory782 Words  | 4 Pagessurvival (Vago, 2012). The Criminal Justice system is a working system and can be explained through the eyes of a structural functionalist. It is a system comprised of many interconnected structures each with their own functions, but without one another would cease to exist. Structural functionalist believes formal social control, or law, keeps society together and that the legal system creates boundaries and a system of right or wrong (Browning, 2015). The criminal justice system is comprised of three
Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Medicine Essay Topics
Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Medicine Essay Topics In an expository essay, you're attempting to spell out how something works or why you think that it's a superb idea. Pick an intriguing essay topic, and you are going to begin enjoying it. An essay is only a string of thoughts which have been put in order to create a coherent idea. At any time you catch yourself feeling captivated by somebody's essay or article, take a good look at it. Where to Find Medicine Essay Topics Picking up good medical dissertation topics is an essential facet of writing and step one on the way to original and appropriate study. Before you commence writing a single word of your paper, you first will need to understand what your thesis will be. If you would like excellent paper essay examples, reach out to us here today and we are going to do our very best to supply you with the most suitable support. It's also advisable to constantly work to enhance your writing style and produce your essay attractive to read and simple to navigate. 1 other reason people utilize traditional medicine is the fact that it has been put to use for a very long moment. Within seconds of inhaling, you just arrive on the opposing side. Applying the heat is an issue of degree. The holy grail of precision medicine is to deliver the correct treatment to the correct person at the suitable moment. Addressing a chronic health condition like asthma has many major consequences on a kid's lifestyle. In some conditions, it might even be utilized to recognize prospective diseases when babies are in the womb so people who are more prone to disease can take preventative measures and modify their behaviors to prevent potential risk factors. It's possible to ask your physician if, dependent on your family history or other risk factors, you need to have a genetic test to steer the diagnosis and treatment of a health condition like cancer. The doctor suspects cancer but can't be sure. If You Read Not hing Else Today, Read This Report on Medicine Essay Topics In the standard sense, it should be your own idea against a mutual assertion which you're attempting to dispel. The financial risks must also be quite clear and well understood, Herbosa explained. If you're allowed to freely choose what things to write by yourself, utilize the chance to make something unique. The path of absolutely free choice is quite slippery, so be cautious on your way. Medicine Essay Topics Help! Major Pharma businesses have a duty to their shareholders to earn money. Individuals need to be more cancer-aware today. If you're confused with a number of interesting topics to research online, it's much better to choose what interests you the most. Nowadays, many medical practices like bloodletting are no longer utilized. Medicine is as much an art as it's a science. Precision medicine must be accurate medication. Firstly, traditional medicine is from nature, but in addition it doesn't mean it's s ecure or good for an individual's health. It is also referred to as contemporary or western medicine. Classic medicine is called the educational strategy, where what is learned through years of schooling is used. There are two major ideas in support of alternative medication. If your children don't need to take their prescription medicine, there may be a fantastic reason. Traditional versus alternative medicine is a problem that needs a good deal of inspection and assumption. Further, there's a crystal clear and robust link' between taking industry money and minimizing the danger of side effects of medications. By comparison, there are a number of disadvantages of using non-western medication. Among the issues with predictive medicine is the danger of false positives. There are lots of conditions that medicine is ill-equipped to fix One of the most attractive qualities of a career in medicine is the capability to help people, but in fact, there are lots of ills that physicians simply are not able to fix. You must make choices some of them are going to be difficult. Several alterations and improvements from 1 generation to another were observed. Unfortunately, someone isn't always armed with sufficient understanding, and undergoes psychological blows, or so the restoration of normal mental health ought to be deliberately organized with appropriate actions. There's no need in making a determination, which health problem or phenomena is more urgent at this time or what's left in the shadows and has to be enlightened at least in your essay. The previous tip is to adhere to the major topic. For me, in case you go to the extent acknowledging that numerous things are good with what they're saying, then you've weakened your own argument. Check if paragraphs are positioned correctly and be sure that there are good transitions. Ruthless Medicine Essay Topics Strategies Exploited For some imaging technologies, since the price of imaging falls, the quantity of imaging increases. Precision medicine is a more tailored and precise means of diagnosing and t reating disease, dependent on a deeper knowledge of an individual's biological makeup including the info in their DNA and the way in which they live their lives. Like every part of software, it's a living product which necessitates maintenance and updates to keep its relevance. As a consequence, the machines aren't only large, but it is not possible for them to go near an individual's skull to measure brain activity instead measuring from afar with the assistance of sensors. Topics cover a variety of current events, in addition to history, ethics and sociology. Journals want to get read.
Open Systems Management Approach
Question: Reflective Essay Open Systems Management Approach (Model). Answer: Open System Management approach belongs to a system where there are regular exchanges of feedback. Moreover, if I compare a human being is just like an open system model where sometimes he learn based on his feedback or from the feedback from the external environment (Horst et al. 2015). In the typical similar fashion, open system have porous backgrounds that allow feedbacks to function from inside or outside business. On the other hand, open system model devises more than one way to reach the goal using different operations. However, just like company Apple that sells iPhone but offers services like iMessage, iTune, iCloud, etc. to meet its ultimate goal of attaining a market leader position in the world (Reuters 2016). Moreover, as far as my knowledge goes, when result is achieved using variety of processes then it is termed as Equifinality (Brown 2015). This theory can be well explained with one of the example, when I used to work in a human resource management company where our b asic work was recruitment. However, to achieve the desired target of employing people I adopted different ways that was either through a direct calling for the job, sending e-mails or hiring through campus placements. This depicts that there is no right way to accomplish important results in an organization. Conversely, internal environment like inputs and processes and external environment like outputs and outcomes design the open system model. All these models provide the basic framework of working through feedbacks (May 2013). For an instance, if we take any product and service company like Google where the products it sells is smartphones and the services it offers is google apps, gmail, etc. which directs to tangible results of revenue and customers and outcomes that the company receive in the open market environment is the financially strong position of the company and happy customers. This process can be bidirectional as well, where already happy customers will lead to more trained customers who will provide a base for different projects and programs in the organization; once approved by the company, it can enable different inputs like people, time, money and technology to get the work done. Just in the same way, when I used to recruit someone from my sources, that person could ev en give me his sources so that I could recruit someone else for the required job. Overall, the feedback provided by the same person on my style of work would not only be beneficial for me but for the company as a whole. Nevertheless, the feedback mechanism in an open system model is only applicable if there is proper establishment of relationships between firm and external systems that help in analyse the four high order subsystems in the organization that are the economic system, technological system, politico-legal system and socio-cultural system (Norman 2015). During my time of working, when I used to shortlist the people for interview, other factors were also looked into like the background of the person, family as well as economical forefront. However, all these can be changed with the changing environment, but initially holds important in every kind of a situation. Moreover, relationships made within the firm or outside on the organizational forefront can yield better results in future as it adds to the effectiveness of the organization just like the relationships I made with my clients or my seniors at my workplace (Vexler, Bazhenov, and Bazhenova 2014). The external environment subsystems also correspond to the internal organization system like politico-legal controller, economic commercial, socio-cultural personal and technological technical (Vexler, Bazhenov, and Bazhenova 2014). Till now I had been talking my experience in a human resource firm. Nonetheless, when we view from a larger perspective all the subsystems whether internal or the external is controlled by the senior management. The subsystems relationships holds to be importance because the framework of work was majorly based on these subsystems as I was employ people, rather shortlisting them. However, it was important the person who I employed received all the knowledge about the firm through interaction, holds the view of importance of relations with middle as well as senior human resource managers and also knows the way a work is done (marketing skills). All these characteristics mentioned above holds to be true in the open system approach as it can be applied in any part of the firm or the firm as a whole. Moreover, this reflective essays helps in maintaining a relationship between the theories of open system model with the real life examples from my experience. References Brown, R.S., 2015. Equifinality in Open Systems: Explaining the Phenomenon of Hard Money Mortgages.Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal,19(1), p.120. Horst, D.J., Broday, E.E., Bondarik, R. and de Paula Xavier, A.A., 2015. Open or Closed? Macroergonomics Approaching Socio-Technical Systems Productivity: An Overview of the Conceptual Framework.Social and Basic Sciences Research Review,3(2), pp.98-115. May, C., 2013. Towards a general theory of implementation.Implementation Science,8(1), p.1. Norman, Z., 2015. Reflection on Organization Theory: Connecting General System Theory to Open Systems Theory.Available at SSRN.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Peer review free essay sample
Considering the most integral part of one’s paper, the data and information provided has to be well founded. That is why the research portion is the most important part. Anyone, can form an opinion, in which in the individual’s point of view might drown out the factual evidence. Secondly, what good is legitimate factual information, if it is interpreted badly. Therefore, one must have an open mind, and see all sides of the topic before making irrational statements. The editor differs from the peer reviewer in the sense that the editor basically has the final call. The editor has the final call on what is submitted for publication. The peer review provides the early insights to the author for correct data and strength of argument. In all honesty, I can not validate if the article has been peer reviewed. I can clearly determine the publisher, so if the article went through the right processes, then one can assume that it has been reviewed. Makes the argument that abortion is not safe and not the only option This essay identifies why abortion should be illegal. It presents evidence to support the health risks and how it can be seen as murder. Makes the argument that abortion is not safe and not the only option Evaluate the Essay After a second, closer reading of the draft, evaluate the essay using the Persuasive Essay: Final Draft rubric. Determine the level of achievement appropriate for each assignment criteria. (Level of achievement ranges from Unsatisfactory to Excellent and are found at the top of the rubric. Assignment criteria are found in the left column of the rubric. ) Identifies and Summarizes Topic * What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion? Excellent * What evidence do you have for this score? Kelsey identifies that abortion should stay illegal and should not be legalized making the argument of how it is killing a life, women are endangered, and less mental anguish to women. Identifies and Reflects upon Assumptions * What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion? Excellent * What evidence from the paper do you have for this score? Kelsey stated the facts while proving why abortion is wrong and not being too emotional about why it should not be legalized Personal Perspective and Position * What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion? Excellent * What evidence from the paper do you have for this score? She is saying why it should be illegal. She is pointing out that it is unsafe, expensive, and other options available. Paper includes limited fallacious reasoning. Position appeals mostly to reason. Thesis Development and Purpose * What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion? Excellent * What evidence from the paper do you have for this score? * She makes a clear statement that she disagrees with abortion and why it should be illegal. Guiding the reader where she is going in the body of her essay, what she knows to be right and wrong. What to say, based on facts and strongly opposing her position against abortion. Paragraph Development and Transitions What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion? Excellent * What evidence from the paper do you have for this score? Writer did an excellent job taking her stance in supporting to have abortions illegal. Writer stated her main points killing a life, women are endangered, mental anguish. She informed, explained and persuaded her point. Mechanics of Writing * What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion? Excellent * What evidence from the paper do you have for this score? Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. Three positive things about this paper are: 1) facts 2) key points 3) personal feelings were kept minimum Three things that could be improved are: 1) punctuality 2) persuasion statement 3) explaining statements Grading Criteria The assignment will be graded according to the following criteria: 1) First draft of paper posted to the Peer Review form in a timely fashion. 2) Each section of Peer Review Worksheet is completed. 3) Feedback provided to peer is positive and useful. 4) Directions followed for providing completed Peer Review to the appropriate peer.
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