Monday, March 16, 2020
Spains Golden Age Essay Example
Spains Golden Age Essay Example Spains Golden Age Paper Spains Golden Age Paper The concept of Spains Golden Age apply more specifically to the reign of Philip II than to the whole period 1474-1598 Philip IIs reign as king of Spain is often referred to as the golden age. A time where government was further centralised, where the economy benefited from being the centre of increased trade with the New World and where according to Geoffrey Parker the Spanish empire was the largest and richest in the world. To an extent Philips reign was exclusively golden he was the first to set up administrative functions of government in a single capital, Madrid, gold bullion reached a record level and he was successful in defending his territory. However, it is difficult to view Philip as a great monarch due to the unsustainability of his empire, which undermined his reputation, yet in respect of the whole period it is arguable whether this period was golden either as there were great consistencies between the four rulers. The El Escorial in Madrid is a remnant from a time of great cultural prosperity where both the arts and literature flourished. This impressive facade of 16th century Spain constitutes a golden age and is, to an extent, more relevant in describing Philip than the other monarchs of the period. Contrary to popular thought, Spain, through Philip, enjoyed cultural prosperity. Jocelyn Hunt states that in comparison to the other rulers of this period Philip achieved much more as a builder as shown by his improvements of the old palaces and his new buildings constructed for the state archives in Simancas. Philip was also a great supporter of the arts, being a patron to Flemish artists Van der Weyden and Bosch. Evidently this supports the argument that Philips reign culturally flourished and can be perceived as golden. However, not all the credit should go to Philip for over the whole period as well, Spain prospered. Isabella like her European counterparts was committed to intellectual development. Reliance on the letrados increased the demand for educational establishments and Universities were set up at Alcale in 1508 and at Cuenea in 1510. The reputation of the Inquisition as an over-zealous and domineering institution is a fallacy as on many occasions it was impossible to deal with the amount of literature that crossed the borders (Andres Ruiz imported 1,012 bales of books alone). It was merely a judicial body, in fact as Kamen says, the censorship of books was erratic and often only symbolic. This reputation of cultural despondency, is on the whole unjustified as Spain was not only culturally golden during Philips reign, but also throughout the whole period What taints the golden nature of Spains cultural acheivements is the image that Spain was isolated and culturally distant from the rest of Europe. Dr Johnson explained No less country was known to Europe. It is true that Spain was quite poor for between 1530 and 1560 the proportion of people registered as poor in the towns was 23%, and poverty was deeper in comparison to other Western economies, due to the chronic and structural inefficiencies. Similarly in art, the empire was seen as dull as exposed by Charles Vs melting of the golden art he acquired due to their connection with heathen idolatry. The Inquisition also gave a negative image of arts in Spain throughout this period as seen when Philip adhered to the Papal Index of Prohibited books in 1559, and it is correctly thought that there was a dominance of Catholic and Castilian culture. Nevertheless, contrary to the illusion that Spain was culturally backward, all the rulers of this period should be applauded for cultural development similar to Western Europe. This imperial facade draws a veil over the Peninsula economic problems that were apparent due to the unsustainability of empire. Yet to a certain extent, the economy thrived throughout this whole period. Many historians think that Philip was the most successful in managing his economy due to the huge amount of gold bullion coming in to his empire during his reign. Between 1591-1594, 42,221,835 ducats came in to Spain. These figures gave the impression, especially to her European neighbours, that Spain had a golden economy. Despite this immense wealth, Philip was plagued with economical problems and you could argue that he was in a weaker position than his predecessors. His bankruptcies in 1557, 1560, 1575 and 1596 were brought on by his expensive defensive wars like the Dutch revolt, for not only did it cost 80 million ducats, but revenue was lost from decreased trade. However, both successes and failures of Philips economy owe more to the whole period. Trade that was flourishing under Philip started when Ferdinand and Isabella experienced a rising population and growth in the wool trade. Cities like Burgos grew from 8,000 to 21,000 and Seville became increasingly important as all American trade came through the city before entering or leaving Europe. The House of Trade on the Guadalquivir River represented a time of boom in the mid 15th century as merchants flocked to the area, which saw more gold added to the crowns coffers. Charles V continued with these successes and therefore benefited from the increased level of gold to finance his extensive wars. Philips failures were also a result of the previous monarchs of the period. The juros, which were set up by Ferdinand and Isabella to fund their wars, was responsible for Philips huge debt, just as Charles was responsible for Philips need for an expensive defensive war and inflation. Throughout the period Murphy describes Spanish economic policy as counter-productive. For example: Wool was exported to the textile factories of the Netherlands instead of supporting the domestic textile market and the huge amount of gold entering the country simply added to inflation that was apparent due to low food supply and a rising population. Ultimately both the successes and failures of Philips economy were due to his predecessors. According to Kamen the course of Spains economic history shows few significant divergences from the experience of other nations in Europe suggesting that, even if you perceive Spain as successful in terms of economy, before and during Philips reign, it was as golden as the rest of Europe. Like the economy, monarchical control was held back by the inability to maintain an expansive empire. The desperate state of finance, as well as the backward nature of contemporary communications, limited the extent of absolutism in Spain. In spite of this, Philip had a reputation as an absolute monarch that led many to believe that he reigned during a period of strong royal control. Geoffrey Woodward talks of Philip, saying that he came to control all clerical appointments, disposed of ecclesiastical wealth and mobilised the Inquisition as an instrument of royal authority. It is true that Philip insisted that all decisions were to be passed through him, he effectively centralised government in Madrid and he limited the power of the cortes. Similarly, royal authority was strong throughout the whole period. Referring to the government of Ferdinand and Isabella, Cellorigo wrote in 1600, there can be no monarchy in our Spain as there was then. Above all, it is Ferdinand and Isabella who should be applauded for their implementation of law and order through the reconquista, leaving their successors in an stronger position. Through the increasing importance of their own laws or pragmaticas, Ferdinand and Isabella were less reliant on the cortes. Royal control expressed itself through the use of various groups like the Santa Hamandad and the appointment of more letrados as town councillors. Charles V further enhanced government influence through the various councils he set up the most important being the Council of Finance which instituted tax rises throughout the 16th century. However there are inherent limitations, which inhibited all the rulers during this period like that of inefficient communications and constantly being indebted. Despite what Kamen calls a more sophisticated system under Charles, any increases in revenue would have to be allocated to the juros repayments. These repayments were also particularly awkward for all the monarchs had to further rely on the cortes to grant servicios. The cortes could then use this to exert influence over the monarchy showing how royal control was limited. In the provinces throughout the period the power of the monarchy was not apparent as shown by the fact that 2928 posts of city councillor were sold between the years 1543 and 1584. John Lynch effectively summarises Monarchy was absolute. But its absolutism was qualified by conditions and its powers were less imposing in practise than it was in theory. This was definitely true of Philip as seen by the disaster of the Armada, as 16th century communications were desperately slow especially as every decision had to go through the king. Theoretically the monarchy of Spain was absolute yet practically, there was the fundamental weakness of the backward nature of communications and the power of the cortes, which limited royal control. The Spanish language is one of the most widespread languages in our world today, due to the legacy of the immeasurably vast and diverse empire. Surely this is the benchmark for Spains golden status, but paradoxically it was also the reason why the imposing reputation was undermined. Traditionally the golden age of Spain is most specifically associated with the vast nature and diversity of Philips empire. Francisco Ugarte de Hermosa boasted in 1655 that Since God created the world there has been no empire in it as extensive of that of Spain. The acquisition of Portuguese territories in 1580, not only increased Spanish influence in the New World, but also united the Iberian Peninsula for the first time. From this evidence Philip can be justifiably described as a golden ruler. Nevertheless, the empire was built up from Ferdinands acquisitions in North Africa, Italy and the New World, discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1494. Ferdinand and Isabella arguably succeeded in managing a controllable empire and unified Castile and Aragon, completing the reconquista. Ferdinand, through a series of marriages, succeeded in ensuring a substantial empire for his grandson Charles V. Therefore Charles has an empire spanning from the territories of the New World to parts of Flanders, Italy and Germany reinforcing the argument that Spain was golden throughout the entire period. As Philips successes of empire could be attributed to his forebearers, so could the fundamental weaknesses. The financial crisis that Philip found himself in was started by the unsustainability of Isabella and Ferdinands foreign policy. Even though they had a comparatively small empire they could not sustain it as shown when Ferdinand had to transfer his resources from occupying North African ports to Naples in Italy which was of a greater priority for him. Charles Vs Habsburg connections, which gave him this vast empire, also meant he could never be considered as a King of the golden age of Spain. Charles himself spent only 7 years in Spain and the country was simply a part of his monarquia, rather than the most important. This can be seen in the Spanish victory at St Quentin in 1557 which was essentially a Dutch army commanded by the Duke of Savoy and the Earl of Egmont. Philip was successful in defending his empire, but only at a great cost, which even the huge imports of bullion could not cover. The costs of defending Spanish lands coupled with the inflation caused Philip to claim bankruptcy on four occasions in 1557,1560,1575 and 1596. The empire was the largest in the world but the lack of resources to sustain such a monarquia undermines the golden reputation. The Spanish Armada epitomises the state of Spain during this whole period. Like the Armada Spain appeared imposing and powerful and was feared by the rest of Europe. Yet no other enterprise could have been so mismanaged with a great lack of communication and innate structural weaknesses, which caused the ultimate failure. It was this paradox that tainted Spains golden reputation. The unsustainabilty of the countrys policies throughout the whole period undermined the reputation too, as Kamen says: Spain, with its small population and weak economy did not have the resources to create or sustain great-power status status. Despite the great facade of an impressive empire, Spain during the whole period from 1474-1598, can never be described as a golden age.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Haskell Indian Nations University Admissions Data
Haskell Indian Nations University Admissions Data Haskell Indian Nations University Admissions Overview: Students interested in attending HINU will need to submit an application, along with SAT or ACT scores, an essay, and high school transcripts. With an acceptance rate of 86%, the school is not highly selective, and students with solid grades and test scores are likely to be admitted, provided they meet all requirements. Admissions Data (2016): Percent of Applicants Admitted: 86%Test Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 400 / 500SAT Math: 400 / 500SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanSAT comparison for Kansas collegesACT Composite: 16 / 20ACT English: 14 / 20ACT Math: 16 / 19What these ACT numbers meanACT comparison for Kansas colleges Haskell Indian Nations University Description: Haskell Indian Nations University first opened its doors in 1884 as the United States Indian Industrial Training School, an institution that taught trade skills to elementary school aged American Indian children. Today, this public university offers a range of Associate and Bachelor degree programs to American Indian and Alaska Native people. The school is located in Lawrence, Kansas, and all students hail from federally recognized tribes in the United States. The university offers more two-year associate than four-year baccalaureate programs, but students can earn BA or BS degrees in environmental science, teacher education, American Indian studies, or business administration. HINU has a cooperative program with the nearby University of Kansas. Academics at HINU are supported by a 16 to 1 student / faculty ratio. The university has a range of student clubs and activities, many focused on Native American cultures. On the athletic front, the Haskell Indians compete in the NAIA M idlands Collegiate Athletic Conference for all sports except football. The university fields five mens and five womens intercollegiate sports. Enrollment (2016): Total Enrollment: 820 (all undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 46% Male / 54% Female96% Full-time Costs (2016- 17): Tuition and Fees: $480Books: $1,500 (why so much?)Room and Board: $950Other Expenses: $5,620Total Cost: $8,550 Haskell Indian Nations University Financial Aid (2015- 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 74%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 73%Loans: 0%Average Amount of AidGrants: $4,774Loans: - Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors: American Indian Studies, Business Administration, Environmental Science Retention and Graduation Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): -6-Year Graduation Rate: 29% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports: Basketball, Football, Golf, Track and Field, Cross CountryWomens Sports: Track and Field, Volleyball, Basketball, Cross Country, Softball Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like HINU, You May Also Like These Schools: Dine College: ProfileBacone College: ProfileUniversity of Oklahoma: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphRogers State University: ProfileUniversity of New Mexico: ProfileKansas State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphOklahoma State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphArizona State University - Tempe: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphNortheastern State University: ProfileUniversity of Kansas: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphFort Lewis College: Profile
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