Thursday, November 28, 2019
Attachment Theory Essays - Attachment Theory, Human Development
Attachment Theory Attachment Theory Attachment or bonding is the developing relationship established between a primary caregiver, usually the mother, and her child. Attachment behaviors begin early in life. This narrow age limit is often called the critical period. This trusting relationship developed in infancy forms the foundation for a child's development. If a child has a secure attachment, he will grow up to view the world as a safe place and will be able to develop other emotions. It has become more and more apparent that a healthy attachment is most important in human development. Why do some children survive and even rebound in the face of adversity? Some children are able to adapt and rebound and develop the resources they need to cope. The basic foundations of a child's personality are formed in their early attachment to an adult caregiver. It allows the child to develop trust in others and a reliance on himself. Unless properly treated, unattached children grow up with pain and anger often vented on society. The major threat to attachment is separation. Some families do not have the strength to cope with chronic stress and repeated crises. Probably the single most important factor is the establishment of a secure attachment to the primary caregiver. The secure attachment is favored by a secure, relaxed, supported mother. Family conflict, violence and family breakdown that leads to poverty, threatens healthy child development. A caring parent with reasonable expectations is most likely to help the child develop the optimistic perspective and coping skills they need. Infants seem to rely on their caretakers long before they can indicate attachment with crying. In some hospitals, babies are scheduled to receive regular holdings and cuddling by staff members. Infants who do not receive contact comfort in infancy do not thrive and may not even survive. If the infant's physical and environmental needs are met sufficiently, the infant develops the ability to trust others and the environment. However, if the infant has not learned through attachment, he will carry this with him through life. Interventions are aimed at enhancing the adaptive capabilities and to strengthen coping skills within the client's family. Babies let their needs be known by cooing, babbling, gurgling, facial expressions and body movements. Coping with a child's demands can be exhausting to any parent, but they can help the child develop trust by paying close attention to what the infant needs. Attachment theory is important in social work. Social workers are a major provider of treatment. As a mother to an infant, a therapist who is available to their clients, and shows empathy, will provide a positive relationship. Clients are less prone to fear. There is a parallel between being a parent and a professional social worker. Like a parent, social workers do not have to be perfect, but they need to be sensitive to their client's needs. They have interdisciplinary relationships with other mental health professionals. They must be aware of the principals involved in attachment theory. Knowledge and skills related to this field of service are needed to better help the children with this disorder. Culture shapes the cycle of development or growth of the members of a family. This becomes especially important when moving from one culture group to another. Each group shares patterns of social and personal relationships. There is a heavy burden put upon some minority groups in the development of resources. Attachment is easily recognized across the world. We are all part of a nurturing system, the immediate family. It is important for social workers to understand culture differences when developing approaches to dealing with attachment disorders. Some may stress the development of independence and autonomy, while others identify a greater emphasis on maintaining relationships. By the first year of a child's life, they are supposed to become attached to certain people who have responded to their needs for physical care. Intimate relationships formed during infancy give rise to continuing relationships and individual development. This is an important stage necessary for coping. According to Bowley and Ainsworth, experts in the field of attention disorder, the love between a mother and an infant is the result of an attachment formed during that first year. This is the basis for all close
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Cuban Misile Crisis essays
Cuban Misile Crisis essays The sixties were one of the most exciting time periods in American history. The ideas of a new generation started a cultural revolution, U.S. citizens enjoyed a high standard of living, and the country was in the middle of the Cold War. The Cold War saw no shots fired, but threatened to devastate the U.S. and USSR, as well as the rest of the world into nuclear holocaust. On October 16, 1962 U.S. U-2 spy planes discovered Soviet missiles in Cuba. Although the U.S. had been assured by Soviet leaders that they wouldn't place missiles in Cuba they had secretly. America had to take action to protect its security and to show the USSR that we wouldnt be pushed around. On Tuesday morning, October 16, 1962 President Kennedy called together his cabinet to discuss the crisis. Over the next thirteen days the Kennedy Administration made many difficult decisions, which I believe were highly effective. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts in 1917. He attended Princeton University and Harvard University. JFK served in the Navy during WWII and afterwards started his political career. In 1961 he was elected as the youngest President ever as well as the first Roman Catholic President. Kennedys cabinet appointments included Dean Rusk as secretary of state, Robert McNamara as secretary of defense, Douglas Dillon as secretary of the treasury, as well as Robert F. Kennedy as attorney general. These men, as well as many others including the joint chiefs of staffs, were all part of ExComm (the Executive Committee of the National Security Council). ExComm was the committee responsible for all of the decision making during the Cuban Missile. As soon as the missiles were discovered in Cuba ExComm met to discuss what action America would take to not only defend itself from attack but to also stop the shipment of missiles to Cuba. The USSR had strongly defended themselves in past months stating that th ...
Monday, November 25, 2019
Emancipation After The Civil War essays
Emancipation After The Civil War essays The years immediately following the Civil War were extremely turbulent, full of conflicts and disagreements. It seems as though everyone had a differing opinion of the direction the United States of America should have gone in these difficult years. The dictionary defines the word emancipation as the freeing someone from the control of another; especially a parent's relinquishing authority and control over a minor child. Unfortunately, the actual act of emancipating the slaves in America was not as simple as that. The time after the war and the way the slaves were treated then carried on and ultimately lead to the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. Americans at the time, both black and white, disagreed on the issue of emancipation at the time. The emancipation of African Americans was an issue that effected all Americans: white, black, men, women, northerners, and southerners. And every group of Americans seemed to have a different take on it. In Lorences book Enduring Voices, there are several examples to the feelings and reactions of Americans at this turbulent time. One example was an entry written by a Southern planters wife about their former slave. It is apparent by the way she conveys the former slave in the entry that the Southerners at the time saw African Americans as less than human. She belittles him by having him talk like a child, saying words wrong and in general just sounding uneducated and incapable. So, of course, if the Southerners at the time felt that the blacks were incapable of thinking in the same way that the whites were, of course emancipation was not the success the government had hoped for, which is why in the entry, the planters former slave was forced to move back and do the same job he had always done. Lorence was actually able to get ahold of interviews of former slaves recollecting this point in time and how dif ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How To Meet Deadlines When Youre Tired Of Missing Them
How To Meet Deadlines When Youre Tired Of Missing Them Every creative professional knows how to dread deadlines. However, we could often use some help knowing how to meet deadlines. This means having enough discipline not to push back deadlines. Its something thats easy to do when were under crunch time. However, it isnt a solution. Push your deadlines back enough times, and soon enough, you wont have a content marketing strategy left to execute. Content must be created, and it must be delivered on time. Your audience craves it. Your boss demands it. Your job literally depends on it. And with the right processes and work habits in place, youll hit every deadline, every time. Best of all, this isnt as hard to pull off as you might think. Let us show you how to conquer your fear of deadlines and be more productive than ever. 1. Start By Asking When, Not What "What do you want done?" is usually the first question that gets asked when planning a project. After some discussion, you usually find out when the project needs to be finished. However, sometimes a better opening question is "When do we want this done?" Start by setting your deadline first. Then, work backward to figure out how much you can realistically accomplish between today and your deadline. Why don't #marketing projects start with #deadlines first, then requirements?People don’t like deadlines because they make them feel constrained and tied down. If you can master your deadlines by outlining and planning realistically what you can do, in a set timeframe, meeting deadlines will no longer be a burden on you or your company. Think MVP (Minimum Viable Product) You may have heard of the concept of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Essentially, this means building the bare minimum you need to include in your product to make it a useful solution to a problem. From there, you can enhance and optimize it after you ship it. Shipping is a common term used in agile project management that developers use when they're ready to push new code to production. However, you can apply this same mindset to content creation too. You can do this and meet your deadlines by understanding the minimum essentials you need in your project to make it successful initially, understanding you can improve your project and processes as you move forward. Aim To Ship, Not For Perfection Seth Godin has a lot of awesome things to say about this- shooting for completing projects quickly instead of shooting for perfection. Write down your deadline. You'll publish on this date whether it's perfect or not. Gather everyone's ideas on your project. Share those ideas in a way everyone can see, and ask them to take a look. After they look or even miss their due date of looking, that's it. No more updates. Draft a blueprint of the project from those rough ideas. Get final approval for your project blueprint from the big wigs in your company. Ask the folks with sign-off authority a simple question: "If I deliver what you approved, on budget and on time, will you ship it?" Don't move forward until you get your yes. Seth says, "Once you get your yes, go away and build your project, thrash-free. Ship on time, because that's what a linchpin does." While some of that relates to office bureaucracy, you get the idea. Start with a deadline, then give yourself permission to ship on time- no excuses. 2. Create A List Of What Needs To Get Done (And When) Setting and maintaining timeline and project goals is arguably one of the most challenging parts of being a project manager. Whether you're a one-person operation or have a large team, keeping all these tasks on track and moving forward takes some attention to detail. Recommended Reading from Neil Patel: The 6 Types Of Social Media Content That Will Give You The Greatest Value At , we once realized that we were running into this problem. Every Monday, the marketing team gets together to go over the last week's analytics, our plans for the upcoming week, and everyone's deadlines. The plan is simple: Learn from the projects you went through last week, asking yourself three simple questions: What went well? What could we improve? What should we stop doing? Prioritize the projects that you must get done this week. Give everyone one goal to complete by the end of the week, no matter what. Review everything you're working toward as a team to understand who is the lead on certain projects, and who is in supporting roles. This is helpful because everyone knows the amount of work expected from them, giving them their chance to speak up if they think it's too much or too little, which helps everyone understand exactly how they'll contribute to meeting your collective deadlines. Plan how you'll work together as a team to keep each other accountable for meeting your deadlines. Meet daily to talk through progress and roadblocks that may prevent you from shipping, and figure out a solution. 3. Set Smaller Deadlines Within Your Large Deadline Each week, we put out two blog posts on our blog, among other templates and projects. Using 's task templates is a huge life saver for us, especially since our team is spread out across a few different locations. We have a set list of what needs to be done each week, and we rely on checklists built using task templates to help everyone working on the project know the steps they need to complete in order to help us publish our content on time. Use these tips to break down your bigger deadlines into smaller ones: Look at the big picture and draw a road map of exactly what you need to do. Separate tasks based on who needs to complete them. Create an outline labeling what needs to be done and by when. Ask yourself what needs to be done in order? What can be done whenever? Delegate tasks based on who needs to do what, and then fill the gaps with tasks that can be done whenever. We use task templates in to manage all of this. Here's an example of what these look like: 4. Build In Buffer Time Write down all the tasks you need done and when you need them done by. Then, give each of these due dates a day or two of buffer room before they are actually due so you don't set yourself up for failure. This allows time to make needed changes, or even finish your work ahead of schedule. Seth Godin has some great ideas about how to build in buffer time: "Write it down instead. Hand it to someone else. Publicize it. Associate it with an external reward or punishment. If you don't make the deadline, your friend gives the $20 you loaned her to a cause you disagree with..." Deadlines give you the opportunity to beat the rush. Handing in work just a little bit early is a sure-fire way to tell a positive story and get the attention you seek. 5. Remember You Only Have So Much Room On Your Plate This is one of those pieces of advice where it’s a â€Å"do as I say and not as I do†. Many of us on our team struggle with this daily. We want to help everyone, do more, and be busy. So we will have to work on this one together. Everyone has 24 hours in a day; there are limitations to what can be done and what can be done well. You know your strengths and weaknesses, look at what is on your plate for the week and go from there. Make it a point to write a mock schedule of everything you'd like to finish for the week. Do this weekly on Sunday night or Monday morning. Schedule in any meetings you have, and appointments or reasons you won't be in the office, and make sure you leave time for sleep (seriously). Recommended Reading: What To Do On The Weekend To Increase Your Productivity On Monday Nathan, our content marketing lead, literally plans out what he'll do each day to keep himself on task. It helps him learn how much time certain projects really take to help him use his time even more efficiently for future projects. This will help you know exactly how much free time you have in the day and week,  while keeping you accountable for meeting your personal deadlines, and helping you improve your time management skills. This way, when someone comes to you with a new project or idea, you can look at your schedule and realistically know if you can fit one more thing on your plate or not. This way, you save yourself the stress and hassle of overdoing it. Here's how to do it yourself: Value all your time: Know that you have 24 hours every day, just like everyone else (even Beyoncà ¨). Hopping onto Facebook, texting, or a mindless zone out adds up. The average Facebook user spends 17 minutes on Facebook a day. That’s 4 and a half days a year. Imagine how much you could get done in that extra time. Focus on your work: While zoning out can distract from work, it’s a proven fact that daydreaming can actually put off the desire for future rewards because you envisioned success but did nothing to achieve it. Being actionable help you achieve your goals. Big game talk and day dreaming don't. End procrastination: Start easy. Break it down. Be nice to yourself. Get a good why. Be mindful. 6. Don’t Be Afraid To Delegate Tasks The wonderful part about being on a team is that you have help. Sometimes as marketers, we've been conditioned to take on projects without much help because counting on people means leaving your success up to others. It’s great that we have the passion to do a lot, but it can be our downfall. When you delegate tasks, it gives you more time to focus on other projects. It also gets new eyes on the other projects and helps you work quicker. The Muse came up with a great list to help with delegating tasks: Decide what to delegate: Once you decide to ask for help, pick the projects you need help with. You want to focus on your own strengths and weaknesses to choose what tasks would be better delegated. Pick the right people: Just like you chose which tasks aren't right for your skill set, pick your team members who'll be rock stars at those tasks. If you need something edited, think about who the grammar wiz is on your team. Need something figured out with math? Find someone who is better with numbers, and so on. It can be hard to trust new people with a job, but ultimately, you have to do what is best for the project and the timeline. Communicate clearly: When you delegate tasks, sit down with your team and clearly spell out what you would like from each person. Getting everyone together may seem like a hassle, but in the long run, it will save you time and headaches. Check in, but don’t be overbearing: You handed off your tasks. Now you have to trust that your team are professionals and that they will take care of their tasks. It’s easy to want to check every three minutes to make sure everything is getting done, but you need to trust your team, check in sparingly, and then let them continue with their work as well. Give credit where credit is due: The project is done, your team worked hard and now you are ready to ship it. Make sure to acknowledge their hard work. They jumped in to help you out, don't take that for granted. 7. Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Clarification, Either Your company expects you to be a self-starter and to take on new projects. These are great qualities to have, but that doesn’t mean you can’t ask for clarification on your projects before you get started. It'll save you time. One of the biggest time sucks is not knowing what is asked of you.Save time in the long run by clarifying the expected outcome of your projects: Admit you're unsure and get the clarification you need. Ask open questions- this makes it easier to get more from people than "yes" or "no" answers, they are more likely to give you more detail of exactly what you are looking for if you ask open follow up questions. Ask for specific examples of outcomes to envision what your project will look like. Know the goal of the project. Focus on your audience's needs instead of just producing content because you can. Just because it's some of your best work doesn't mean that was what was being asked of you. Make sure to stay on task. Repeat what your team lead just told you to make sure you understand what they really mean. 8. Work During Your Most Productive Hours Emails, phone calls, instant messages- with all these distractions, sometimes typical works hours may not be your most productive time of the day. When you are constantly being interrupted, it's hard to put your head down and really work. Many time-saving tricks say â€Å"put your phone away†or â€Å"log out of your email†. Well, I don’t know about you, but when I turn off my e-mail and phone, I get anxiety. I feel like I'm going to miss something or someone needs me to take care of something, and I’m not getting my jobs done. This constant worry is just as much of a distraction (if not more) as checking my email every hour. So instead of turning off my life, I just schedule the things I really need to focus on at night. It's then when I feel more awake and focused, and I can crank out blog posts or other projects faster, with typically fewer distractions. Maybe you're a morning person. Get up early, reward yourself with a cup of your favorite coffee, and put your head down and tackle your biggest project for the day. Vice versa if you're a night owl. You know yourself. Use your most productive hours to your advantage, and you'll be amazed by how much more you conquer in your day. Recommended Reading: How To Write More Content To Increase Your Blogging Schedule 9. Work Toward Your Goals Every Day Resist the urge to work on easier projects. Motivate yourself, maybe a mirror pep talk and then work toward your big picture goals at least a little bit every day. In the long run, you'll be so much happier when your plate becomes full again, and you're already ahead of the 8 ball. Re-motivate yourself everyday. Make time for yourself. The more â€Å"you time†you get, the more refreshed and prepared you'll be to get your work done- and to meet your deadlines. When you decide to take on a task each day, set aside 25 minutes to work on just that. Turn off as many distractions as you can. Then you can go back to â€Å"you time†. This is what some call the Pomodoro technique, a time-saving process to help you focus on accomplishing your work: If you’re starting to feel demotivated, one of the best ways to get your energy back is to get on with your work. Make a checklist of what needs to be done for the day. In Evernote, you can make an easy checklist with just a push of a button. Using Evernote to keep checklists is easy because they are accessible 24/7 from my phone, laptop, or iPad. Here's how to make the most of this feature: Prioritize all of your ideas in an Evernote document. Make a list of tasks you need to complete today, tomorrow, and for the week. When you don't get a task done, make sure to put it at the top of the list for the next day. Attack the hardest tasks first. While it may seem easier to do the little things first, it would be too easy to keep pushing the big tasks off. This also defeats the purpose of trying to hit your deadline. Don't have your phone on you? We're also a big fan of Post-It notes. Write everything you need to finish for the day on a Post-It note. Stick it to your desk. Using this as a constant reminder will help keep you motivated. There is just something so satisfying about taking pen to paper and checking things off your to-do list. It’s a lot like working out- it’s hard to get started, but it will get easier and easier. 10. Learn From Mistakes Did you miss one of these steps? Take on too much? Make it a point to remember that for the future. If you are consistently following all of these steps, missing one will not set you back horribly, but if you start getting too far behind, that is when your deadlines start to suffer, and you'll feel like you're constantly playing catch up. It's easy to feel like your latest mistake is the end of the world. I feel you, I am there about five times a day. But this is human nature; we were not built to be perfect. Mistakes help us grow and make us better. So use these mistakes and learn from them. Recommended Reading: How To Unlock Quality Content From Your Low-Performing Posts It’s just like my mom said, you are allowed to be sad or frustrated, but make sure you pick up and move on. You are not a tree, you are not stuck. You can pick yourself up and try again. 11. Never Push Deadlines When researching this post, we read so many posts that included sections with sub-headings like, â€Å"Be Sure To Hit The Second Deadline†. What was the point of writing the post in the first place if it ends with, â€Å"Oh it’s okay, you missed your deadline but just make sure you hit the extended deadline†? It's understandable that sometimes things happen that derail productivity. However, sometimes you just need to work faster or set more attainable deadlines. It's really as simple as that. Now You Know How To Hit Due Dates Every Time Hitting deadlines isn't easy. However, nothing worth doing is easy. These tips and tactics can make getting things done on time much easier though. How do you plan to hit your deadlines from now on? Leave us a comment and let us know!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Human Variation in Skin Colour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Human Variation in Skin Colour - Essay Example One of the reasons why the globe has been facing slow economic growth is as a result of racial discrimination or social exclusion on human capital formation and economic contribution. Skin color has been one of the major obstacles on human capital contribution. The discriminated population having no access to education, economic and political opportunities has largely contributed to their limitation to acquire capacity to develop human capital hence lowering the economic values. Persons across the world should stem racial discrimination based on skin color and inject their time to develop human knowledge and skills that will contribute to economic growth and development. Across the globe schools and institutions face racial discrimination; having standardized testing for instance, has largely contributed to discrimination based on skin color, it being the assessments in a learning institution, it highly favors students from a specific social cultural background, while those students from racial minorities groups score poorly. In addition, the minority groups of students are educated in a low-income society where they cannot afford to purchases books as those schools that are set in middle or high-income areas. As a result of discrimination, the schools are forced to use old text books which further aggravate the extant of socio-economic differential established with skin color racial institutional discrimination. Structural racism also accentuate most institutional provisions that are identified as exceptional to certain group of people who form the majority of the people in the regions, such as the absence of labour unions or weak voices of the labour unions and disorganized... This paper aims to focus on skin color variation and racial discrimination based on economic, institutional and power. Species differ in the degree of their variability; it is believed that the degree of variation is higher in human beings than other species. Skin pigmentation is determined by the presence of melanin in human being skinned, and the color of the skin ranges from black to white. It is not completely certain that evolutions contributes to skin variation, however, the variation of the natural skin color can be determined by genetic processes. According to scientists, the Sub-Saharan Africans have the highest skin color diversity, whereby, their values of skin reflectance range from19 to 46, while the values of Europeans are range within 62 to 69 and the East Asians range from 58 to 59. Schools and institutions face racial discrimination, having standardized testing for instance, has largely contributed to discrimination based on skin color, because it highly favors stude nts from a specific social cultural background, while students from minorities groups score poorly. In conclusion, the question of human pigmentation is one of supreme relevance and one that holds the key to answering fundamental questions about our existence and may hold the key to generating a cure for various human ailments. And with the advent of new technology, scientists are delving deeper into the mystery. With this is the erosion of various racial stereotypes and ingrained social assumptions as what can be categorized as beautiful.
Civil liberties Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Civil liberties - Term Paper Example The movement led to the irresistible transformation of the American political, social, and cultural life. Amendments on the prevailing notions concerning the citizenship rights of the blacks, for example, together with a redefinition courts and government’s role in protecting people’s rights, continued to strengthen the human rights of all American citizens, regardless of the color of their skin (Bryant, 2009, p. 1). The word civil-right often conjures people like Martin Luther delivering the soul-stirring â€Å"I have a dream†speech on the nation’s capital. The civil rights movements are believed to have started earlier in the 18th century when the blacks who were enslaved demanded their elementary citizenship rights. From 1955 to 1970, the blacks’ effort to bring their cause to attention met some success. The Congress approved the Civil Rights Act to create a civil rights partition in the Justice Department which would implement voting and other rights. In 1951, Thurgood Marshall and the National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) resolved to fight for the rights of the African American children who were forced to join completely segregated schools yet considered to be equal as those used by the whites. They assumed that the segregation in schools dehumanized the African Americans just as slavery affected them. ... This court ruling sent a message that segregation was intolerable in the country (Spungin, 2007, p. 1). In 1955, Rosa Parks boarded a crowded Alabama city bus and sat near the front. Rosa declined the request to take the back seats and was arrested by the Montgomery police. Rosa’s actions stimulated the black community to support the civil rights movement by arranging boycotts. Their decision as a large group would make the bus companies incur losses and stress the point that segregation in busses was unjust and would not be endured. The protests were not only successful, gathering worldwide sympathy, but also attracted Martin Luther, an eloquent and inspiring leader, a clergy at the Baptist Church. Luther’s emergence as the movement’s leader using non-violent tactics such as those used by Mohandas Gandhi, an Indian nationalist, characterized the entire movement inspiring participation from many blacks as well as whites (Elliott, 2012, p. 1). As the blacks living in the South grew more confident with sympathy from the outside world, their protests increased. In 1960, four black college scholars staged ‘sit-ins’ at restaurants which served whites only. In the face of the arising challenges, the whites responded by arresting, and attacking the Protestants. However, the leaders of the movement refused to be deterred by threats of prison: Luther was jailed more than 12 times, but still fought for the rights of the people. Important People Associated with the Civil Rights Movement (Fairclough, 2011, p. 1) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Luther is one of the significant figures in the Civil Rights movement. Being a college educated preacher, he was an essential character in arranging the bus boycott in
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Mass Media Influence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Mass Media Influence - Essay Example Mass media is the medium that connects the masses. Mass media industry comprises eight different types of businesses namely Books, newspaper, magazines, recordings, radio, movies, television and internet. Books, magazines and newspapers have been the primary source of mass media for the last nearly 250 years. However the recordings, radio, movies and television only became popular in the last 50 years. Internet is the latest addition in the late twentieth century. Media is a key institution of a society. It has its impact on our culture, our buying habits and our politics. Mass media both reflect and effect politics, society and culture. It is in turn is also affected by changes in our beliefs, tastes, values and behaviors. The mass media are profit oriented businesses. Technological developments shape the way mass media are delivered and consumed (Biagi). Importance of Mass Media There is no denial that media play a significant role in forming opinions of the public. Ever since its inception media has been a powerful tool in shaping and molding people’s perception but with the current mushroom growth of mass media its importance has increased manifolds. The outburst of internet has fueled it further taking it to new heights. Every individual now has access to loads of information and that too is so easily available just .a click away. It has not only increased the role of media but also increased the importance of the opinion of the people. Now public opinion matters in almost all walks of life even in important policy decisions. Public opinion matters most in politics. This growth in mass media has made individuals very opinionated now we have opinions about almost everything and that too is an informed one (Vivan). Media and politics are strongly interrelated. To conduct a broad range analysis of the relationship between media and politics requires in depth survey of representation of politics in media, impact of media on politics, media regulation and the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Heart failure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Heart failure - Essay Example In order to attain this end, the following objectives will be examined: â€Å"Heart failure (HF) is common and is associated with a high morbidity and mortality. Forty per cent of patients with symptomatic left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) die within a year of diagnosis and 10% per annum thereafter, giving a five-year mortality rate of up to 70%.†(Patel, et al., 2008, p. 35). Heart failure is therefore a major cause of death in nations like Britain. And this is often diagnosed through the identification of symptoms like left ventricular systolic dysfunction. This provides the identification of the main issues and the main signs that a patient might have a heart disease and heart complication. However, this is very chronic and fatal because many of the people diagnosed of this sickness will die within a year. Precisely, two out of five will die within a year and each year, one out of ten will die after the first year of diagnosis. This shows that heart failure (HF) is a major problem and a major issue within a given society. Heart failure is an issue that affects 0.4% to 2% of the population in Europe and half of this suffer from left ventricular systolic dysfunction (Patel, et al., 2008). This is representative of 2% of national health expenditure due to its danger and high risk (Patel, et al., 2008). Generally, early diagnosis for heart failure is poor because most patients get to know about their condition after they have suffered an attack (Mehta, et al., 2008). Clinical studies show that chronic heart failure patients die abruptly without any diagnosis because when they get their attacks, they do not survive it (Mehta, et al., 2008). However, the population of persons with mild heart failures who die during attacks is somewhat lower than those with chronic instances of the case and issue. Studies show that older patients form the large percentage of
Monday, November 18, 2019
EBusiness Company Comparisons Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
EBusiness Company Comparisons - Assignment Example Commissions are also earned when users visit company sites, advertise their products, or post the link of the company. The customer base of these companies lies between 10 and 80 million people. Therefore, a sales revenue business model for these companies therefore, can result in great profits (Rappa, 2010). Yahoo: This Company uses portal advertising model. It offers products that suit customer-specific needs. This is through the complex Customer Relationship Management (CRM), where the company gathers important legal and behavioural information of its customers (Rappa, 2010). According to Cusumano (2004) for software business, the key aspect of its business model is understanding specific customer needs. Google: This is a search engine, and adopts the Advertising Model. It utilizes Content-Targeted Advertising, where advertisements relate to the content of a web page. It also uses the Query-based paid placement. For instance, when searching for terms, the advertisements that are paid for will show up (Rappa, 2010). Mayer (2006) notes that Google aims at acquiring many users and retaining them through developing the products they need. Social media has changed how companies conduct marketing and advertising. In future, there will be increased participation of customers and information sharing on company products. Customers will also highly influence the nature of company products. The use of cloud computing has resulted in low costs for online companies, especially those costs that are related to suppliers. This thus leads to reduced prices for customers. In future, more use of cloud computing will abate the financial challenges experienced by these
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Tesco Essay Example for Free
Tesco Essay The Tesco. com site acts as a portal to most of Tescos products, including various non-food ranges (for example, Books, DVDs and Electrical items under the ‘Extra’ banner), Tesco Personal Finance and the telecoms businesses, as well as services offered in partnership with specialist companies, such as dieting clubs, flights and holidays, music downloads, gas, electricity and DVD rentals. Tesco Competitors Tesco currently leads the UK’s other leading grocery retailers in terms of market share. This pattern is repeated online. The compilation below is from Hitwise (2005) and the figures in brackets show market share for traditional offline retail formats from the Taylor Nelson Softres Super panel (see superpanel. tns-global. com) 1. Tesco superstore 27. 28% (29% of retail trade) 2. Asda (13. 36%) 3. Asda @t home 10. 13% (17. 1%) 4. Sainsburys (8. 42%) 5. Tesco wine warehouse, 8. 19% 6. Sainsburys to you 5. 86% (15. 9%) 7. Waitrose. com 3. 42% (3. 6%) 8. Ocado 3. 32% (owned by Waitrose, 3. 6%) 9. Lidl 2. 49% (1. 8%) 10. Aldi-UK 2. 10% (2. 3%) Some companies are repeated since both their main site and the online shopping site are reported on separately. Asda. com now seems to be performing in a consistent manner online to its offline presence. However, Sainsburys online performance seems to be significantly lower compared to its offline performance. Some providers such as Ocado which originally just operated within the London area have a strong local performance. Notably, some of Tesco. com competitors are absent from the Hitwise listing since their strategy has been to focus on retail formats. These are Morrisons (12. 5% retail share, Somerfield (5. 5%) and Co-op (5. 0%). Promotion of service As with other online retailers, Tesco. om relies on in-store advertising and marketing to the supermarkets Clubcard loyalty schemes customer base to persuade customers to shop online. NMA (2005) quotes Nigel Dodd, marketing director at Tesco. com as saying: ‘These are invaluable sources as we have such a strong customer base’. However, for non-food goods the supermarket does advertise online using keyword targeted ads. For existing customers, email marketing and direct mail marketing to provide special offers and promotions to customers is important. According to Humby (2003), e-retailer Tesco. om use what he describes as a ‘commitment-based segmentation’ or ‘loyalty ladder’ which is based on recency of purchase, frequency of purchase and value which is used to identify 6 lifecycle categories which are then further divided to target communications: â€Å"Logged-on†â€Å"Cautionary†â€Å"Developing†â€Å"Established†â€Å"Dedicated†â€Å"Logged-off†(the aim here is to winback) Tesco then use automated event-triggered messaging can be created to encourage continued purchase. For example, Tesco. com has a touch strategy which includes a sequence of follow-up communications triggered after different events in the customer lifecycle. In the example given below, communications after event 1 are intended to achieve the objective of converting a web site visitor to action; communications after event 2 are intended to move the customer from a first time purchaser to a regular purchaser and for event 3 to reactivate lapsed purchasers. * Trigger event 1: Customer first registers on site (but does not buy). Auto-response (AR) 1: 2 days after registration e-mail sent offering phone assistance and ? 5 discount off first purchase to encourage trial. * Trigger event 2: Customer first purchases online. AR1: Immediate order confirmationAR2: 5 days after purchase e-mail sent with link to online customer satisfaction survey asking about quality of service from driver and picker (e. g. item quality and substitutions). AR3: Two-weeks after first purchase Direct mail offering tips on how to use service and ? 5 discount on next purchases intended to encourage re-use of online services. AR4: Generic monthly e-newsletter with online exclusive offers encouraging cross-sellingAR5: Bi-weekly alert with personalised offers for customer. AR6: After 2 months ? discount for next shop. AR7: Quarterly mailing of coupons encouraging repeat sales and cross-sales. * Trigger event 3: Customer does not purchase for an extended periodAR1: Dormancy detected – Reactivation e-mail with survey of how the customer is finding the service (to identify any problems) and a ? 5 incentive. AR2: A further discount incentive is used in order to encourage continued usage to shop after the first shop after a break. Tesco’s online product strategy New Media Age (2005) ran a profile of Laura Wade-Gery CEO of Tesco. om since January 2004 which provides an interesting insight into how the business has run. In her first year, total sales were increased 24% to ? 719 million. Laura, is 40 years old, a keen athlete and has followed a varied career developing from a MA in History at Magdalen College, Oxford, an MBA from Insead; Manager and partner in Kleinwort Benson; Manager and senior consultant, Gemini Consulting; Targeted marketing director (Tesco Clubcard), and Group strategy director, Tesco Stores. The growth overseen by Wade-Gery has been achieved thr ough a combination of initiatives. Product range development is one key area. In early 2005, Tesco. com fulfilled 150,000 grocery orders a week but now also offers more intangible offerings, such as e-diets and music downloads. Wade-Gery has also focused on improving the customer experience online – the time it takes for a new customer to complete their first order has been decreased from over an hour to 35 minutes through usability work culminating in a major site revision. To support the business has it diversifies into new areas, Wade-Gery’s strategy was ‘to make home delivery part of the DNA of Tesco’ according to NMA (2005). She continues: ‘What we offer is delivery to your home of a Tesco service – its an obvious extension of the home-delivered groceries concept. ’ My May 2005, Tesco. com had 30,000 customers signed up for DVD rental, through partner Video Island (who run the rival Screenselect service). Over the next year, her target is to treble this total, while also extending home-delivery services to the likes of bulk wine and white goods. Wade-Gery looks to achieve synergy between the range of services offered. For example, its partnership with eDiets can be promoted through the Tesco Clubcard loyalty scheme, with mailings to 10m customers a year. In July 2004, Tesco. com Limited paid ? 2 million for the exclusive licence to eDiets. com in the UK and Ireland under the URLs www. eDietsUK. com and www. eDiets. ie. Through promoting these services through these URLs, Tesco can use the dieting business to grow use of the Tesco. com service and in-store sales. To help keep focus on home retail-delivery, Wade-Gery sold women’s portal iVillage (www. ivillage. co. uk) back to its US owners for an undisclosed sum in March 2004. She explained to NMA: ‘Its a very different sort of product to the other services that were embarking on. In my mind, we stand for providing services and products that you buy, which is slightly different to the world of providing information. ’ The implication is that there was insufficient revenue from ad sales on iVillage and insufficient opportunities to promote Tesco. com sales. However, iVillage was a useful learning experience in that there are some parallels with iVillage, such as message boards and community advisors. Wade-Gery is also director of Tesco Mobile, the joint ‘Pay-As-You-Go’ venture with O2 which is mainly serviced online, although promoted in-store and via direct mail. Tesco also offer broadband and dialup ISP services, but believe the market for Internet telephony (provided through Skype and Vonage for example) is not sufficiently developed. Tesco. com have concentrated on more traditional services which have the demand, for example, Tesco Telecom fixed-line services attracted over a million customers in its first year. However, this is not to say, that Tesco. com will not invest in relatively new services. In November 2004, Tescos introduced a music download service and just six months later, she estimates they have around 10% market share – one of the benefits of launching relatively early. Again, there is synergy, this time with hardware sales. NMA (2005) reported that as MP3 players were unwrapped, sales went up – even on Christmas Day! She says: ‘The exciting thing about digital is where can you take it in the future. As the technology grows, well be able to turn Tesco. com into a digital download store of all sorts, rather than just music. Clearly, film [through video on demand] would be next. ’ But it has to be based firmly on analysis of customer demand. She says : ‘The number one thing for us is whether the product is something that customers are saying they want, has it reached a point where mass-market customers are interested? ’ There also has to be scope for simplification. NMA (2005) notes that Tesco is built on a core premise of convenience and value and Wade-Gery believes what its already done with mobile tariffs, broadband packages and music downloads are good examples of the retailers knack for streamlining propositions. She says: ‘Weve actually managed to get people joining broadband who have never even had a dial-up service’
Friday, November 15, 2019
Introduction To Sex Education Children And Young People Essay
Introduction To Sex Education Children And Young People Essay Have you ever made some questions like What are the differences between a boy and a girl. or Why you have special feelings when seeing a very hot girl, boy. For sure, not all of you ask yourself something like that? And I still remember how shy my primary teacher was when I asked her how I had been born. These above questions seem so simple but not everyone can answer it because of the shortage of sexual knowledge. In fact, sex education in Vietnam has not been a key point in social education. That is also the reason why the rate of adults who have trouble with sex and love are increasing. Sex is a sensitive issue in Vietnam nowadays. Most of Vietnamese people are too shy to mention to sex; however, there is a deviation in sexual awareness among Vietnamese young. As the results, sex education should be approved to teach at Vietnam High schools in attempt to curb problems such as teenager pregnancy or abortion. II/ Body: According to Avert Organization, Sex education, which is sometimes called sexuality education or sex and relationships education, is the process of acquiring information and forming attitudes and beliefs about sex, sexual identity, relationships and intimacy. Sex education is also about developing young peoples skills so that they make informed choices about their behavior, and feel confident and competent about acting on these choices.. It is also said that sex education is a book-guide closing to humans sexual activities like reproduction, emotion, birth control à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Providing this one is the way we dedicate to teenagers the right information about matters which have an enormous impact on their. From modernly Western to mysteriously Oriental, sex education had been mentioned in many forms: direct or indirect, official or in-official, all of it demonstrated that our ancestor initiated sex education like an essential subject not only for teenagers but also for adults as well. Because of the fact that Western countries preceded one step on this issue, they have had an open point of view for this one. On contrast, both Asia area and Vietnam, sex education is something new and strange as the cultural conception. From this result, it is definitely that this topic is rarely appeared on mass media or newspaper, even more being ignored. This viewpoint was backward, and not had the good fit for present with so many changes. On my opinion, sex education will be the key to handle some issues on young people. In generally, sex education provides the embrace knowledge on safe sex or birth control. Implementing Sex Education pointed that sometimes, people mistakenly believe sex education refers only to sexual behavior (e.g., sexual intercourse) and not the full array of topics that comprise sexuality. These include information and concerns about abstinence, body image, contraception, gender, human growth and development, human reproduction, pregnancy, relationships, safer sex (prevention of sexually transmitted infections), sexual attitudes and values, sexual anatomy and physiology, sexual behavior, sexual health, sexual orientation, and sexual pleasure (Anonymous1,n.d). It is necessary to understand about our sexuality, accomplish sexual health, and identify accurately like a part of our person. However, this receiving knowledge process will take a long time from being born to grow up. Parents and primary teachers take responsible as the first educators to provide the youth a progress and developmentally appropriate sexuality education. Ideally, sex education in school is an integrated education process that builds upon itself year after year, is initiated in kindergarten, and is provided through grade 12. For example, a 2004 study carried out by National Public Radio demonstrated that more than 90 percent of parents give sex education at schools. It also proved that the significantly of parents detected that sex education subject in their childrens school were either very helpful or somewhat adapt to their child in cope with sex (Anonymous1,n.d). As many reasons this concept has not been focused because people thought children better need to concentrate on study than this issue, and the impact of one is not relevant to their life. This backward thought drive to the popular fact: almost children do not see exactly about their body or their physiology and sometimes they can act by rationally natural. Danger to life, even more get to seriously wound appears at lots of case. Therefore helping children on sexuality play an important role on sex education. Well-educated from guardians make children more confident and control their attitude better. Sex education prevents the high rate of HIV, STDs inflection by intercourse neither. According to the statistics from PPFA (2012), teens are more sexually active now than before twenty-five percent of all girls and thirty-three percent of all boys have had sex by the age of fifteen. This is a very young age, and by age seventeen the statistics have grown to seventy-five percent of all girls and eighty-six percent of all boys (Anonymous, 2012). The same unbelievable information was researched by Institution of Population and Family pointed that the abortion rate at young women (from the age of 15 to 19) approximately 30 percent on overall, ranked 5th on the world (Già ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ t mà ¬nh và ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ºi tà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ° là ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¡ nà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¡o, phà ¡ thai cà ¡Ã‚ »a hà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ c sinh, sinh vià ªn, 2012). Potentially, schools provide a key opportunity to reach large numbers of you ng people with sex, relationships and HIV education in ways that are replicable and sustainable in resource-poor settings. In many countries, young people will become sexually active while they are still attending school, making the setting even more important as an opportunity for the delivery of sex, relationships and HIV education. There are currently nearly 12 million young people in the world living with HIV. More than half of these young people are female. There are an estimated 2.3 million children (below the age of 15) living with HIV worldwide. With access to treatment, HIV-positive children can expect to develop into healthy adults who, at some point, will start having sexual relationships. For an HIV-positive young person who has never bene ¬Ã‚ ted from education programs about sex, relationships and HIV, these kinds of programs which assume all students are HIV-negative will not suf ¬Ã‚ ce. Furthermore, the implicit and pervasive assumption that all students are HIV-negative can render invisible those who are living with HIV or AIDS. It may also inadvertently increase stigma through the creation of an us and them mentality (UNESCO, 2007). Finally, approved sex education at high school is the way we protect our future generation. Some opposition view argued that teaching sex education is somehow we bring grist to childrens hands. However, psychologist Hong Ngoc Do said that the misunderstanding of our education system is passive-psychological and to entrust for school and scare of being naughty. We get better of giving instruction to have right path than let them mislead (Hoai Nam, 2012). III/ Conclusion: It was hard to decide on what argument I am going to write about for this essay. There are many interesting arguments I have searched. After thinking about it, sex education might be a good topic. Teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases is very rampant in Vietnam. IV/ References: 1/ Anonyous(n.d). Implementing Sex Education. Retrived from: 2/ Anonymous. (2012). Sex Education: A Necessity in Public Schools Today. Retrieved from: 3/ Hausauer, J. (n.d).The Sex Talk: What Parents are Saying To Their Children about Sex. Retrieved from: 4/ Nam, H. (June,2012). Dan Tri. Ä Æ °Ãƒ ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ £c già ¡o dà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ ¥c già ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ º ità nh sà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ºm, trà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ » sà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ½ bià ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¿t tà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ ± bà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ £o và ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¡ mà ¬nh. Retrieved from: 5/ Anomyous. (n.d). Sex Education that Works. Retrieved From:
Salem witch trials Essay -- essays research papers
Salem Witch Trials: Casting a spell on the people Today, the idea of seeing a witch is almost inconsequential. Our Halloween holiday marks a celebration in which many will adorn themselves with pointy black hats and long stringy hair, and most will embrace them as comical and festive. Even the contemporary witchcraft religious groups forming are being accepted with less criticism. More recently, the Blair Witch movie craze has brought more fascination than fear to these dark and magical figures. So, it becomes no wonder that when our generations watch movies like the Crucible, a somewhat accurate depiction of the Salem Witch Trials, we are enraged and confused by the injustice and the mayhem that occurred in 1692. For most, our egocentric view of the past almost stops us from seeing what a dilemma was brewing in that Puritan lifestyle. At that time, witches were far more than a generic costume for a casual holiday celebration, or a tolerated religion, or a new form of Hollywood fasc ination, they were the work of an awful, vengeful, unseen power. In the seventeenth century, almost everyone, even those with the best of educations, where under the belief that witchcraft was evil and the control of the devil. Witchcraft had once, before the Middle Ages had been accepted as the powers of medicine and good deeds; however, the church of that time had proclaimed the craft as the work of the devil and the actions of heretics. From then on witches were greatly dreaded. They believed that they had special powers that allowed them to cause harm to those that they had quarrels with; they could read minds, tell the future, bring up ghosts of the dead and force the holy to perform unholy acts. There was only one way to save someone who sold their soul to the devil for the gifts of witchcraft, to kill them (Dickinson 4). People were branded witches for unrelated mishaps. If the farmer’s sheep all died from a virus in the water, then the neighbor who fought with him las t week must have cast a spell. In a world where people are certain of witchcraft, nothing is accidental. Consequentially, many people were unjustly condemned to death. In the beginning of the century the targets for witchcraft were â€Å"the poor, the elderly, the mentally ill, the rude and quarrelsome†, but as the century drew to an end those accused were chosen â€Å"more [democratically],†even those as young as fou... ...ent theories of what the girls were afflicted with. Several researchers postulated that they were suffering from ergot poisoning from spoiled rye grain. Others thought that girls were enjoying the attention that they would have never received otherwise being young females. Similarly, others thought that the cause of their symptoms are from a popular psychological disorder from the 1970’s called clinical hysteria or mass hysteria, referring to a condition experienced by a group of people who, through suggestion, observation, or other psychological processes, develop similar fears, delusions, abnormal behaviors, or physical symptoms. (Trask 1 and Plotnik 520) The Salem witchcraft delusion became the road to what is now known as the road to Enlightenment. Although the trials in New England did not end there, Salem marked the beginning of and end to the horrible injustice. Witch-hunting is still an epidemic that plagues today in other forms. People are made to suffer for their beliefs. Religious and political persecution has stained every century since then. Perhaps, the greatest thing gained from the trials was the understanding that the majority is not always the voice of justice.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Types of Parents and the Type of Parent I Am Essay -- parenthood, raisi
There are many types of parents in the world today. The types of parents could be classified in many different categories. I believe there are three types of parents today: the Consultants, the Helicopters, and the Drill Sergeants. In this essay, I will discuss and explain each of these types of parents. I will also discuss the type of parent I believe I am, and how my parenting style may affect my children in the future. The Consultant Parents is a loving and logical parent that provides guidance and consultant services for children. They provide messages of personal worth and strength and rarely mention responsibilities. The Consultant Parents demonstrates how to take care of self and be responsible. They share personal feelings about their own performance and responsibilities with their child. The Consultant Parents provides and helps their child explore alternatives and then allows the child to make his/her own decision. They provide the child with a â€Å"time frame†to complete their responsibilities. The Consultant Parents often uses lots of actions and very few words. They allow their child to experience life’s natural consequences and allow them to serve as the teacher. The Helicopter Parents hovers over their children and rescues them from the hostile world in which they live. They provide the messages of weakness and low personal worth. The Helicopter Parents tends to make excuses for the child, but complains about the child’s mishandles responsibilities. They take on their child’s responsibilities and protect the child from any possible negative feelings. The Helicopter Parents will make decisions for the child and provides no structure, but complains to the child saying, â€Å"After all I’ve done for you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The Helicop... ...g or almost doing and their parents do not do things for them that satisfy their own needs rather than the needs of the child. Therefore, in conclusion, there may be many types and styles of parenting today, my classifications for parenting types are three categories: the Consultants, the Helicopters, and the Drill Sergeants. Each of these three parenting styles has their positive and negative aspects. I choose to incorporate a mixture of each style in the parenting and raising of my children. My style of parenting seems to be working very well thus far. I will have to continue in my parenting life and see how my parenting style will affect my children in their futures. Works Cited Banks, E. (2014). Toddler Discipline - The Parent's Guide To Toddler Discipline. Speedy Publishing. Levine, M. (2012, August 4). The New York Times. Raising Successful Children.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Kurt Cobain Essay
Kurt Donald Cobain (February 20, 1967 – c. April 5, 1994) was an American musician and artist. He was best known as the lead singer, guitarist, and primary songwriter of the grunge band Nirvana. Cobain formed Nirvana with Krist Novoselic in Aberdeen, Washington, in 1985 and established it as part of the Seattle music scene, having its debut album Bleach released on the independent record label Sub Pop in 1989. After signing with major label DGC Records, the band found breakthrough success with â€Å"Smells Like Teen Spirit†from its second album Nevermind (1991). Following the success of Nevermind, Nirvana was labeled â€Å"the flagship band†of Generation X, and Cobain hailed as â€Å"the spokesman of a generation†.[1] Cobain, however, was often uncomfortable and frustrated, believing his message and artistic vision to have been misinterpreted by the public, with his personal issues often subject to media attention. He challenged Nirvana’s audience with its final studio album In Utero (1993). It did not match the sales figures of Nevermind but was still a critical and commercial success. During the last years of his life, Cobain struggled with heroin addiction, illness and depression. He also had difficulty coping with his fame and public image, and the professional and lifelong personal pressures surrounding himself and his wife, musician Courtney Love. On April 8, 1994, Cobain was found dead at his home in Seattle, the victim of what was officially ruled a suicide by a self-inflicted shotgun wound to the head. The circumstances of his death at age 27 have become a topic of public fascination and debate. Since their debut, Nirvana, with Cobain as a songwriter, has sold over 25 million albums in the US, and over 75 million worldwide. Cobain was inducted – along with fellow Nirvana members Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl – into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2014, the first year in which they were eligible. Early life Kurt Donald Cobain was born on February 20, 1967, at Grays Harbor Hospital in Aberdeen, Washington,[2] to a waitress, Wendy Elizabeth (nà ©e Fradenburg) (born 1948),[3] and an automotive mechanic, Donald Leland Cobain (born 1946). His parents were married on July 31, 1965 in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. His ancestry included Irish, English, Scottish, and German.[4][5][6] Cobain’s Irish ancestors migrated from Carrickmore, County Tyrone in the north of Ireland in 1875.[6] Researchers have found them to have been shoemakers, originally named Cobane, who came from Inishatieve, a townland within Carrickmore parish, settling in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, and then in Washington.[7] Cobain himself believed his family came from County Cork in southern Ireland.[8] Cobain had one younger sister named Kimberly, born on April 24, 1970.[3][5] Cobain’s family had a musical background. His maternal uncle Chuck Fradenburg starred in a band called The Beachcombers, his Aunt Mari Earle played guitar and performed in bands throughout Grays Harbor County, and his great-uncle Delbert had a career as an Irish tenor, making an appearance in the 1930 film King of Jazz. Cobain was described as being a happy and excitable, while sensitive and caring child. His talent as an artist was evident from an early age. His bedroom was described as having taken on the appearance of an art studio,[2] where he would accurately draw his favorite characters from films and cartoons such as Aquaman, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, and Disney characters like Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and Pluto.[9] This enthusiasm was encouraged by his grandmother Iris Cobain, who was a professional artist herself. Cobain began developing an interest in music early in his life. According to his Aunt Mari, he began singing at two years old. At age four, Cobain started playing the piano and singing, writing a song about their trip to a local park. He listened to artists like the Ramones[10] and Electric Light Orchestra[11] and would sing songs like Arlo Guthrie’s â€Å"Motorcycle Song,†The Beatles’ â€Å"Hey Jude†, Terry Jacks’ â€Å"Seasons in the Sun†and the theme song to The Monkees television show at a young age.[12] When Cobain was seven years old, his parents divorced.[13] Later in his life, he said the divorce had a profound effect on his life. His mother noted that his personality changed dramatically; Cobain became defiant and withdrawn.[14] In a 1993 interview, he elaborated: â€Å"I remember feeling ashamed, for some reason. I was ashamed of my parents. I couldn’t face some of my friends at school anymore, because I desperately wanted to have the classic, you know, typical family. Mother, father. I wanted that security, so I resented my parents for quite a few years because of that.†[15] Cobain’s parents both found new partners after the divorce. His father had promised not to remarry; however, after meeting Jenny Westeby, he did, to Kurt’s dismay.[16] Kurt, his father, Westeby, and her two children Mindy and James, moved into a new household together. Cobain liked Westeby at first, who gave him the maternal attention he desired.[16][17] In January 1979, Westeby gave birth to a boy, Chad Cobain.[16] This new family, which Cobain insisted was not his real one, was in stark contrast to the attention Cobain was used to receiving as an only boy; he soon began to express resentment toward his stepmother.[16][17] Kurt’s mother began dating a man who was abusive. Cobain witnessed the domestic violence inflicted upon her, with one incident resulting in her being hospitalized with a broken arm.[17][18] Wendy steadfastly refused to press charges, remaining completely committed to the relationship.[18] Kurt behaved insolently toward adults. He began bullying another boy at school. These behaviors eventually caused his father and Westeby to take him to a therapist, who concluded that Kurt would benefit in a single family environment.[18] Both sides of the family attempted to bring his parents back together, but to no avail. On June 28, 1979, Cobain’s mother granted full custody of Kurt to his father.[19] Cobain’s teenage rebellion quickly became overwhelming for his father, who placed Kurt in the care of family and friends. While living with the born-again Christian family of his friend Jesse Reed, Cobain became a devout Christian and regularly attended church services. Cobain later renounced Christianity, engaging in what would be described as â€Å"anti-God†rants. The song â€Å"Lithium†is about his experience while living with the Reed family. Religion would remain an important part of Cobain’s personal life and beliefs, as he often used Christian imagery in his work and maintained a constant interest in Jainism and Buddhist philosophy. The band name Nirvana was taken from the Buddhist concept, which Cobain described as â€Å"freedom from pain, suffering and the external world,†which paralleled with the punk rock ethic and ideology. Cobain would regard himself as both a Buddhist and a Jain during different points of his life, educating himself about the philosophies through various sources, including through watching late night television documentaries on both subjects.[20][21][22] Although not interested in sports, Kurt was enrolled in a junior high school wrestling team at the insistence of his father. Kurt was a skilled wrestler, yet despised the experience. Because of the ridicule he endured from his teammates and coach, he allowed himself to be pinned, in an attempt to sadden his father. Later, his father enlisted him in a Little League Baseball team, where Cobain would intentionally strike out to avoid playing on the team.[23] Cobain befriended a homosexual student at school, and suffered bullying from heterosexual students who concluded that Cobain was gay. In an interview he said that he liked having the identity of being gay because he did not like people and when they thought he was gay they left him alone. Kurt stated, â€Å"I started being really proud of the fact that I was gay even though I wasn’t†. His friend tried to kiss him and Kurt backed away and told his friend he was not gay but would still be friends with him. In a 1993 interview with The Advocate, Cobain claimed that he was â€Å"gay in spirit†and â€Å"probably could be bisexual.†He also stated that he used to spray paint â€Å"God Is Gay†on pickup trucks in the Aberdeen area. Aberdeen police records show that Cobain was arrested for spray painting the phrase â€Å"Ain’t got no how watchamacallit†on other vehicles.[24] One of his personal journals states, â€Å"I am not gay, althou gh I wish I were, just to piss off homophobes.†[25] Cobain enjoyed creating works of art. He would often draw during school classes, including objects associated with human anatomy. When given a caricature assignment for an art course, Cobain drew a posing Michael Jackson. When his art teacher told him the caricature would be inappropriate to be displayed in a school hallway, Cobain drew an unflattering sketch of then-President Ronald Reagan.[26] As attested to by several of Cobain’s classmates and family members, the first concert he attended was Sammy Hagar and Quarterflash at the Seattle Center Coliseum in 1983.[2][27] Cobain, however, claimed that the first concert he attended was the Melvins; he wrote prolifically in his Journals of the experience.[28] As a teenager living in Montesano, Cobain eventually found escape through the thriving Pacific Northwest punk scene, going to punk rock shows in Seattle. Cobain soon began frequenting the practice space of fellow Montesano musicians the Melvins. During his second year in high school, Cobain began living with his mother in Aberdeen. Two weeks prior to graduation, he dropped out of Aberdeen High School upon realizing he did not have enough credits to graduate. His mother gave him a choice: find employment or leave. After one week, Cobain found his clothes and other belongings packed away in boxes.[29] Feeling banished from his own mother’s home, Cobain stayed with friends, occasionally sneaking back into his mother’s basement.[30] Cobain also claimed during periods of homelessness to have lived under a bridge over the Wishkah River,[30] an experience that inspired the Nevermind track â€Å"Something in the Way†. However, Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic said, â€Å"He hung out there, but you couldn’t live on those muddy banks, with the tides coming up and down. That was his own revisionism.†[31] In late 1986 Cobain moved into an apartment, paying his rent by working at â€Å"The Polynesian Resort†, a Polynesian coastal resort approximately 20 miles (32 km) north of Aberdeen.[32] During this period, he was traveling frequently to Olympia, Washington to go to rock concerts.[33] During his visits to Olympia, Cobain formed a relationship with Tracy Marander. The couple had a close relationship, but one that was often strained with financial difficulties and Cobain’s absence when touring. Marander supported the couple by working at the cafeteria of the Seattle–Tacoma International Airport, often stealing food. Cobain spent most of his time sleeping into the late evening, watching television and concentrating on art projects. Marander’s insistence that he get a job caused arguments that influenced Cobain to write â€Å"About a Girl†, which was featured on the Nirvana album Bleach. Marander is credited with having taken the cover photo for the alb um. Marander was not aware that â€Å"About a Girl†was written about her until years after Cobain’s death.[34][35][36][37][38][39] Soon after Marander separated from him, Cobain began dating Tobi Vail, an influential DIY punk zinester of the riot grrrl band Bikini Kill. After meeting Vail, Cobain vomited as he was so completely overwhelmed with anxiety regarding his infatuation with her. This event would inspire the lyric: â€Å"Love you so much it makes me sick,†which would appear in the song â€Å"Aneurysm†.[40] While Cobain would regard Vail as his female counterpart, his relationship with her waned. Cobain desired the maternal comfort of a traditional relationship, which Vail regarded as sexist within a countercultural punk rock community. Those who dated Vail would be described by her friend Alice Wheeler as â€Å"fashion accessories.†[39] Kurt and Tobi spent most of their time together as a couple discussing political and philosophical issues. In 1990 they collaborated on a musical project called â€Å"Bathtub Is Real†, in which both Vail and Cobain sang, played guitar and d rums. They recorded their songs on a four-track tape machine that belonged to Vail’s father. In Everett True’s 2009 book â€Å"Nirvana: The Biography†[41] Vail is quoted as saying â€Å"(Kurt) would play the songs he was writing, I would play the songs I was writing and we’d record them on my dad’s four-track. Sometimes I’d sing on the songs he was writing and play drums on them†¦.. He was really into the fact that I was creative and into music. I don’t think he’d ever played music with a girl before. He was super-inspiring and fun to play with.†Slim Moon described their sound as â€Å"†¦ like the minimal quiet pop songs that Olympia is known for. Both of them sang; it was really good.†[42] Cobain’s relationship with Vail would inspire the lyrical content of many of the songs on Nevermind. Once, while discussing anarchism and punk rock with friend Kathleen Hanna, Hanna spray-painted â€Å"Kurt Smells Like Teen Spirit†on Kurt’s apartment wall. Teen Spirit was the name of a deodorant Vail wore; Hanna joked that Cobain smelled like it. Cobain, unaware of this, initially interpreted the slogan as having a revolutionary meaning. The slogan inspired the title to the song â€Å"Smells Like Teen Spirit†.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A Summary of the Book Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser Essay
Customers, food critic and competitors are all praises over McDonald’s French fries for its unique and distinctive taste.  However, its taste has nothing to do with neither the potatoes that they use nor their cooking equipment. The source of its distinctive taste has largely to do with cooking oil which is a mixture of 7 percent cottonseed oil and 93 percent beef tallow, which also explains why it has more saturated fat per ounce than a McDonald’s hamburger. They switched to using pure vegetable in 1990 when they started getting criticisms about the high amount of cholesterol in their fries. This move gave them a whole new challenge on how to maintain the distinctive beefy taste in their fries, which sets them apart from the rest, without using the fat saturated beef tallow. The problem was solved by adding flavor to their fires. A closer examination of their ingredients will show you â€Å"natural flavor,†which is hardly natural as â€Å"natural flavor†and artificial flavor†are both man-made. It explains why McDonald’s fries, as well as American food in general, tastes so good. The flavor industry is very secretive when it comes to their clients. They deem it of utmost importance to protect the reputation of these popular brands and understandably so since they would like to give the consumers the impression that the flavors and delectability of their food comes from their kitchens and not from elsewhere. International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF) is the largest flavor company in the world, also manufactures the scents of some of the most successful and finest perfumes in the United States. Food’s aroma is responsible for 90 percent of its flavor. In fact, the â€Å"flavor†manufactured in these companies are primarily the smell of gases being released by the chemicals we put in our mouths. Researches done by scientists reveal that disposition or preference to certain food or taste is usually formed at the early stages of a person’s life. Aroma or taste, and memory are strongly linked to each other which explain why a particular smell or taste could trigger a person’s memory back to childhood, often referred to as â€Å"comfort foods.† This phenomenon is what fast food chains, including McDonald’s, are banking on in their marketing and promotions. Memory of Happy Meals can translate to frequent adult visits to McDonald’s. Meanwhile, the author discussed the American ranchers’ dire predicament in the present market. McDonald’s is America’s largest beef purchaser. In the late 1960’s McDonald’s buy their beef supply from 175 local suppliers, but in their desire to achieve uniformity as its business expanded, they limited their suppliers down to only five. Many ranchers argue that large corporations have gained control of the market, employing dirty tactics to keep down the price of cattle. Chicken McNuggets was formed through an idea of McDonald’s chairman, Fred Turner, in 1979. He wanted a supplier to create a â€Å"chicken finger-food without bones, about the size of your thumb.† The alarming growth rate of poultry in the United States at that time was a threat to the fast food chain whose only products are burgers. After six months of intensive research, Keystone lab developed a new technology for manufacturing McNuggets, made of reconstituted chicken, composed of white meat, held together by stabilizers, breaded, fried, frozen, then reheated. Its initial test-marketing proved to be so successful that McDonald’s hired another company, Tyson Foods, to guarantee adequate supply. The success of McNuggets changed the nations system for raising and processing poultry. Greeley, Colorado is a town where cattle is the main business, and where workers and machines turn large steer to vacuum packed packages. However, the industrialization of cattle raising have turned one of the nation’s best-paying manufacturing jobs, into one of the lowest paying, the biggest workforce of which are poor immigrants. The working conditions in these meat packing plants were horrible to say the least, endangering the lives of its workers as well as those of its consumers. Presently, meat-packing plants and agricultural fields hire poor immigrant workers who are willing to receive lower pay than U.S. citizens. Even in the present time when technology and new systems are available, it hardly improved the working conditions of these workers. They work every day amidst the indescribable stench and dirt, health exposure, injuries, and even death.  The different work in meat-packing plants and slaughterhouses are unarguably one of the most dangerous jobs in the planet. Schlosser brought up the presence of E. coli in meat as one of the hazards in the meat packing industry. E. coli bacteria aid human beings in digesting food, synthesizing vitamins and protects from dangerous organisms. On the other hand, E. coli 0157:H7 is a mutated version that is harmful and can release a powerful toxin called â€Å"Shiga toxin.† It attacks the lining of the intestines that may result to abdominal cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, and low-grade fever. It becomes deadly when â€Å"Shiga toxin†enters the bloodstream and can lead to kidney failure, anemia, internal bleeding, and destruction of vital organs. Children or elderly with impaired immune systems are more likely to suffer. Antibiotics do not help and in some cases, even triggers the release of Shiga toxins, after which little or nothing can be done to those infected. Unlike Salmonella virus which requires large doses to cause infection, E. coli 0157:H7 requires very little. It only takes a tiny, uncooked particle of a hamburger to contain enough pathogen to kill a person. This can be transmitted from person-to-person. The influence of America has widely spread for most of the twentieth century, as the popularity of movies, CDs, music videos, television shows, clothing and fashion grow steadily, so does the Americanization of the world. Fast food is one of the most popular American influences which people around the globe actually patronize. Today, the United States has the highest obesity rate of any industrialized nations. It soared dramatically in proportion to the consumption and popularity of fast food. The Americans’ way of eating and living has changed so drastically in the past decades, when people eat more and move less. The popularity and growth of the fast food industry is mainly through their abundance of high-fat, inexpensive meals that are easily available. They have also increased their portion sizes as a way of attracting customers. The popular fast food chains realized that it was easier to increase the size of their portions than to promote healthier eating habits, as it was very difficult to battle eating habits formed early on in life through their own marketing strategies. Even countries such as Japan, whose diet has always been believed to be the healthiest in the world, succumbed to the fast food influence. As a result, obesity which used to be a rarity in this country has become more common. In 1994, a libel trial begun between McDonald’s and two Greenpeace activists, Helen Steel and Dave Morris, where Steel and Morris was being sued by the fast food chain for libel. They were alleged to have spread leaflets and information that were damaging and untrue. Many years later, the court ruled that the information was indeed libelous as Steel and Morris were not able to prove â€Å"all†of their allegations against McDonalds. This trial dragged on for years, until present time, and has put McDonald’s in a much worse situation than the two activists, due to bad publicity. Opinion At first glance, Fast Food Nation may seem to be a book that is bent on brandishing the fast food industry to be the bad guys. However, this book actually contains a well-researched and factual representation of American lifestyle and eating habits, as well as its remarkable influence in the world. Eric Schlosser wrote a compelling picture of the origins of the present American society and the rest of the world’s â€Å"Americanized†way of life. McDonald’s have been successful in infiltrating the lives of American consumers and establishing its stronghold in many people’s eating habits. In its aim to provide convenience and â€Å"fast†food to people, McDonald’s and the rest of the fast food industry cleverly found a way to give the consumers exactly that, fast food. Just like any other business, is it any wonder that the fast food industry has creatively and cleverly formulated it own strategies and marketing ploys to gain the fickle trust of consumers? Many might wonder, if McDonald’s, and the fast food industry in general, should be blamed for the terrible eating habits and obesity that besets many Americans and other nations across the world. I believe that the consumers are partly to blame in this predicament; after all, what they put in their and their children’s, mouths is ultimately their decision. However, I strongly believe that McDonalds, and the rest of the fast food industry, has a very crucial responsibility in putting forth correct and unveiled information about their food products. It is their business and moral responsibility to put the health of their consumers of utmost consideration and importance, over profits. It is understandable for consumers to unwittingly get hooked to these great-tasting fast foods, and realize only later on that they have made a mistake. Clearly, the fast food industry failed to do their jobs in providing correct and ample information, and in resisting the urge of capitalism and profit over the welfare of their consumers, in effect, jeopardizing their lives and exposing the health of your children to grave danger.
Whats in a Name?
George Ramone College Composition I Prof. Loscano September 14, 2011 In Henry Louis Gates Jr. ‘s, â€Å"Whats in a Name? â€Å", Gates deals with a sort of life changing reality as a young boy. He recalls the incident from a time when prejudice and discrimination against African Americans was perfectly normal. Gates and his father went to the drugstore in town, where his father was the only colored person that could eat there out of the whole town. As Gates was eating his ice cream, his father greets Mr.Wilson and he responds by saying â€Å"Hello, George. †Gates then finds out that Mr. Wilson calls all colored people â€Å"George†. In my opinion, Gates said he never looked Mr. Wilson in the eye again, because he knew he was racist. He had a completely different opinion of him after the incident and didn’t want to look at him. Maybe because he disrespected his father in such a manner. He also could have felt intimidated in a way and was afraid he would f ace the same as his father.After a long pause his father told him, â€Å" He knows my name boy and that he calls all colored people George. †The author then realized that his father didn’t feel bothered by this. What I found interesting was that the Gates family was different than the other African American families in the town. They were treated with a mix of dislike and respect. An example would be them being allowed to eat where other blacks couldn’t due to Mr. Gates’ reasons and were of privileged status.Once the incident with Mr. Wilson had occurred the author might have felt ashamed or a bit embarrassed. Consequently, at the end of this essay there is a moment of silence when the author calls it â€Å"One of those things as his mother called it. †He described it as a seeing into another world where reality was bitter. The mood suddenly shifts into Gates talking about Jackie Robinson being the best at hitting better in a clutch than anyone. Overall I liked this essay cause of the details and its honesty. Whats in a Name? George Ramone College Composition I Prof. Loscano September 14, 2011 In Henry Louis Gates Jr. ‘s, â€Å"Whats in a Name? â€Å", Gates deals with a sort of life changing reality as a young boy. He recalls the incident from a time when prejudice and discrimination against African Americans was perfectly normal. Gates and his father went to the drugstore in town, where his father was the only colored person that could eat there out of the whole town. As Gates was eating his ice cream, his father greets Mr.Wilson and he responds by saying â€Å"Hello, George. †Gates then finds out that Mr. Wilson calls all colored people â€Å"George†. In my opinion, Gates said he never looked Mr. Wilson in the eye again, because he knew he was racist. He had a completely different opinion of him after the incident and didn’t want to look at him. Maybe because he disrespected his father in such a manner. He also could have felt intimidated in a way and was afraid he would f ace the same as his father.After a long pause his father told him, â€Å" He knows my name boy and that he calls all colored people George. †The author then realized that his father didn’t feel bothered by this. What I found interesting was that the Gates family was different than the other African American families in the town. They were treated with a mix of dislike and respect. An example would be them being allowed to eat where other blacks couldn’t due to Mr. Gates’ reasons and were of privileged status.Once the incident with Mr. Wilson had occurred the author might have felt ashamed or a bit embarrassed. Consequently, at the end of this essay there is a moment of silence when the author calls it â€Å"One of those things as his mother called it. †He described it as a seeing into another world where reality was bitter. The mood suddenly shifts into Gates talking about Jackie Robinson being the best at hitting better in a clutch than anyone. Overall I liked this essay cause of the details and its honesty.
Friday, November 8, 2019
buy custom Technology and Patient Safety essay
buy custom Technology and Patient Safety essay Using a national representative and large sample of Medicare patient data, the authors of this article sought to link implementation of health IT to the clinical outcomes, which allowed them to apply a difference-in-differences method to measure adjustments in patient safety with adjustments in health IT investments. Data spanning four years (1999-2000) was observed for each hospital that was examined. Three health IT applications were analyzed and these included picture archiving and communications systems (PACS), electronic medical records (EMRs), and nurse charts applications. The outcome measures of the study included three patient safety indicators and these were: post-operative hematoma or haemorrhage, infection as a result of the medical care, postoperative deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism. The authors selected these indicators after consulting with the health care professionals to get the outcomes that were likely to be influenced by health IT. Patient charact eristics such as sex, race, and age among others were controlled. Multivariate regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between the patient safety indicators and a group of health IT indicators, patient controls, as well as interactions between time and health IT applications. The authors also included a complete set of hospital, as well as time fixed effects which allowed for estimation of changes in patient safety outcomes following the adoption of health IT. The stud found EMRs to be the only health IT application having a distinct and statistically significant effect on patient safety. EMRs use was particularly associated with significant reductions in infections due to medical care. However, nurse charts and PACs were found to have no systematic association with any indicator. This study contributes to the inconclusive literature that exists about the issue of technology/informatics in promoting the patients safety. Kilbridge, P.M. Classen, D.C. (2008). The Informatics opportunities at the intersection of patient safety and clinical informatics. J AM Med Inform Assoc, 15: 397-407. This position paper addresses obstacles that prevent the use of health informatics in improving patient safety. The authors of the article note that while health informatics has been demonstrated to promote patient safety, various challenges make it quite difficult to improve it. The article aims at offering recommendations on ways of dealing with these challenges. The authors provide recommendations on how health informatics can be effectively used to promote and improve patient safety. Some of the recommendations include adequate health staff training on the use of available informatics, conduction of more research addressing health informatics and patient safety, and encouragement of hospitals to adopt electronic health records. The authors believe that once the arising challenges of the use of health informatics are addresssed, the greater improvement in patient safety will be achieved. IOM (2011). Health IT and Patient Safety: Building Safer Systems for Better Care. Consensus Report, Institute of Medicine. Realizing the widespread use of IT in medical care, IOM was directed by the Department of Health and Human Services to compile this report which is basically an evaluation of health safety issues arising from the use of health IT and recommendations on how these issues can be addressed at both the governmental and private sector levels. According to the report, an effective use of health IT depends on many factors including patients and healthcare professionals. The report found that the safety concerns of health IT should not be addressed from a single cause perspective, but from a much wider perspective involving the whole care system, in order to come up with an intervention to improve the safety of the system. According to the report, all stakeholders including patients, health professionals, private sector, and the government have distinct roles to play. In the report, the IOM makes certain recommendations, which include promotion of sharing of safety data, improving measures, s tandards, and criteria for the safe use, and finally promoting accountability and transparency. It is important to note that these recommendations are not similar to the ones found in Kilbridge and Classen study cited above. Buy custom Technology and Patient Safety essay
Changes to Medicaid Regulation 435.406 Analysis of The Benefits and Disadvantages and The Strengths and Weaknesses of this Legislation essays
Changes to Medicaid Regulation 435.406 Analysis of The Benefits and Disadvantages and The Strengths and Weaknesses of this Legislation essays On July 1st, 2006, federal legislation was passed reauthorizing Medicaid to require proof of citizenship, for those wishing coverage. Changes to Medicaid regulation 435.406 affect a variety of stakeholders. This exploratory paper will look at the changes to the regulation and how these changes affect legal immigrants, illegal immigrants, healthcare organizations, and the general public, both locally, here in the state of Massachusetts, and nationally. The social problem that this legislature was intended to address will be discussed, as well. The benefits and disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses, of this new legislation will be analyzed. What feasible strategies and interventions might improve the policys response to the needs of families being served or left out, by this change, will be explored. Those who benefit from this change, and those who are disadvantaged by it will be identified, as well as whose voice dominated on this particular issue of immigration reform, will be noted. Lastly, this paper will discuss who might support the policy recommendations and who might resist the implementation of these changes and strategies for improving effective and efficient implementation. Changes to Medicaid Regulation 435.406 On July 1st, 2006, federal legislation was passed reauthorizing Medicaid to require proof of citizenship, for those wishing coverage. Changes to Medicaid regulation 435.406 affect a variety of stakeholders. This exploratory paper will look at the changes to the regulation and how these changes affect legal immigrants, illegal immigrants, healthcare organizations, and the general public, both locally, here in the state of Massachusetts, and nationally. The social problem that this legislature was intended to address will be discussed, as well. The benefits and disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses, of this new legislation will be analyzed. What feasible strategies and interventions might impr...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
IMPACT OF MISSIONARY ZEAL essays Religious beliefs and the zeal of Missionaries and Preachers had an undeniable influence on Americas history since the first explorers set foot on this continents shores. Religious was used as a tool to justify individual goals and to provide society with the justification for slavery. Slavery provided great economic gain to the south and religion was manipulated to allow southerners to ease their conscience. Literature of the time particularly the work of Uncle Toms Cabin brought the distortion of Christian teachings to light; giving voice to the inconsistencies and inequities of the slave system compared Biblical teachings. Impact of Missionary Zeal on American History The North American continent was first occupied by missionaries from Spain, France and England; their quest for new lands and riches was the driving force behind the missionaries and the countries that sent them. Religious conversion of native peoples was a pretext used by the missionaries to justify their coming to the new land. The early colonization by the Spanish and the French had two goals. The first goal was riches and their second goal was actually a goal of the Catholic Church. This goal was to Christianize the natives. While few natives genuinely accept Christianity, missionaries set up numerous churches and missions. Through the church and the Christianization of the natives each country hoped to gain control over the labor of the natives and the resources of the area. Early Europeans had very similar motives, the desire for new lands, riches and control; although Europeans such as the British, Dutch and Germans had religious freedom to gain by the move to the new continent. The Puritans were a group of religious reformers who left England in the middle 1600s; they shared a common Calvinist theology and were highly critical of the Church of England and English society and government. In coming to America they ...
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