Monday, September 30, 2019
Importance of School Paper
Importance of our School Newspaper Have you ever wondered? What is the importance of a school newspaper. Some may think, it is our way of being updated with what is happening in the school. Some may think it is just a paper for entertainment purposes. And some might think it’s nothing. But the truth is, a school paper is the one that answers our questions, one that keeps us updated, and the one that keeps us interested in our school surroundings. It is made in a logical and comprehensive way, in way such as that the reader can easily understand the newspaper. A school paper is also made through rigorous editing, processing and writing.A school paper gives that answers to the questions that we have in our school. Whatever that question maybe? The question may be about student achievements, school activities, new people such as teachers and staff etc. This shows how our newspaper can be very useful to us, as students. And we are not the only ones being given this information. Th e staff and other people are also informed of our school through our school’s newspaper. This chain of information that is being made makes it possible for the people inside and outside our school be more vigilant and active in our school surroundings.A quote by David Bryne â€Å"People hear about stuff from their friends or a magazine or a newspaper. †. This quote is a statement of how information passes from one person to another. But not all the time this information that is being passed is true. That is why there are some people who say that a newspaper is the disgusting of all media. Because as much as people want to make a really good newspaper. The Bias of the persons making it is sometimes still there. That’s why you can never really tell if an newspaper is fair in its job to give fair and correct news to everyone.The newspaper that we have now also updates us with the most recent and important news. Without it we will be ignorant in judging our surroun dings, and that makes us not good. And because we have this common norm that people who are updated are the people who are what they say â€Å"IN in our society†. That is depends upon you if it’s true. But it is of course much better to be updated in the happenings and the events in our own school. And because we are updated with our school, we become interested in our own school. Interest makes sure that our curiosity is always there.That is why when we receive a copy of the Forum, we become excited. The school newspaper is also made with essays. And those essays have their own structures and functions. For example an essay has three main parts. The introduction, which contains the Hook and the Thesis Statement. The body, which is the very soul of the essay. And the conclusion. Which ends and sums up your ideas for the essay . There are also types of essays. Some of these are descriptive, research, contrast, comparison, literary, persuasive, argumentative and such. Th ese are not all used in an newspaper but still is useful to know some of them.A school newspaper is made by a team that rigorouly edits, processes, and approves the essays that are used for the newspaper. These are all headed by the EIC(Editor in Chief), which gives directives to the editing chief of each section. And then the editing chief of each section gives a writer a certain assignment for them. This is also the hierarchy of how the people who make the newspaper make them. First a writer will pass it to his or her chief. Then the chief checks it for grammar, annotations and such. If he or she finds some corrections he will not accept it and will return it to the writer.After he returns it to the writer, he will check it again and make sure that it is reviewed again and good material already. Then the chief will pass it to his EIC which will also check and review it for grammar and capitalization and such. He makes sure that there is nothing that was overlooked by the section c hief for he is liable for anything that is in that paper. He also compiles all the work done by the writer and reviews all those thoroughly. He or she also has the most highest position in the office. Here now we see how a newspaper is made. Here now we see how hard it is to make.The hard work and the time that was used for the creation of the newspaper was important. Because we know that the newspaper is not just a piece of paper lying around waiting for some to read. It is something that allows us to learn. It is a paper that gives all that we need. The people who made this newspaper made sure that it is made clearly and intently, with it’s own purpose. We see here what are the types and the structure of an essay. Because this information is crucial to the formation of person . Now we learn that a newspaper influence almost everything in our daily lives.For it is our lives, it is the one that contains what are lives are meant for. Here now we learn that it is important to m ake sure that we take care of our newspapers. That we make sure that it is used according to how it must be used. We learned this that it answers our questions, updates us, keeps us interested. We know also that it is made in a logical and comprehensive way. And lastly we know that it is made by people who made sure it is the best newspaper. That’s why we can only say one thing. A newspaper is indeed important in our life
Personality Overview
Personality Overview (Week 4) Steven Byrd Psy/405 March 25, 2013 Psychodynamic and Humanistic theory There are many different theories involved in the development of personality and some have certain things in common and others have drastic differences. Theories include existential, dispositional, learning or the two that will be discussed which are psychodynamic and humanistic. According to (Feist & Feist, 2009), personality is something that is viewed in several ways but does not have one simple definition.There are many theorists who have their own definition of what personality actually is, but most can agree that personality is something that makes up who a person is, who they are inside and where they come from. Personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person’s behavior. (Feist & Feist, 2009). Personality consists of traits, which are contributors to individual differences in beha vior over a period of time essay writers wanted.Characteristics are defined as unique qualities of an individual which include intelligence, physique and temperament. Theory is defined as a set of related assumptions that allow scientists to use logical deductive reasoning to form a hypotheses. (Feist & Feist, 2009) Psychodynamic theory Psychodynamic theory derived from one of the most famous psychologists in history, Sigmund Freud. Freud’s name has been linked to psychoanalysis, which is the most famous of all personality theories.Freud developed his understanding of human personality from his experiences with patients he had and also by analyzing the dreams that he had himself. Psychodynamic theory talks about ego’s. The ego is the region of the mind that is connected with reality and becomes a person’s sole source of communication with the outside world. (Feist & Feist, 2009). Egos are a big factor when it comes to interpersonal relationships. An example woul d be a person’s ego would onsciously motivate a person to be a certain way and have a lot of trouble steering away from it. In a relationship, if people have conflicting egos, there is a higher likelihood that they will clash, or won’t get along because they are two different people with two different personalities. It is very hard to change who you are, especially after many years and in relationships, usually people find something they want to change about the other person but as mentioned before, you can’t convince many people to change who they are and where they come from.The superego has more to do with the effects of a relationship because it represents the moral and ideal aspects of personality. A person who is egotistical may become violent or very hateful if their needs are not met or they feel like they can’t perform a task. In a relationship, a person who is egotistical may have a hard time keeping a relationship together because they start ac ting out if they do not get their way and can easily push their partner away.The superego aims for perfection and people who are obsessed with being perfect, usually end up alone because other people do not meet their expectations as well, or they will just find reasons to not be with someone because of their imperfections. It is very difficult to be in a relationship with someone who believes they are perfect in every way or someone who expects you to be perfect as well. Aggression and anxiety or also part of the psychodynamic theory and these are things that can put a strain on a relationship.Aggressive people are also more likely to push people away because of their aggressiveness and being anxious can cause people to be impatient and not have the patience to even bother being in a relationship. People who are labeled under the psychodynamic theory could be egotistical, aggressive, impatient, and anxious among other things and all of those things can make a relationship more diff icult. In psychoanalysis, defense mechanisms are mentioned and these defense mechanisms include repression, which is the most basic defense mechanism.Repression forces threatening feelings into the unconscious (Feist & Feist, 2009) and those feelings can pop back up at any time. Someone may think they are interested in someone but once they find out that person has some type of resemblance to something that hurt them before, the relationship is over before you know it. Humanistic theory The personality theory of Abraham Maslow is more commonly known as the humanistic theory or the transpersonal theory. This theory states that a person is motivated to needs and self-actualization.In order to achieve self-actualization a person must satisfy things like hunger, safety and love. When talking about interpersonal relationships and the humanistic theory, they are very much the same as a person under the humanistic theory needs the attention and love of someone else to fulfill true happines s. According to (Feist & Feist, 2009), Erikson, in contrast to Freud who believed that anatomy is destiny, he suggested that there could be many other differences as to why men and women can be so different. Erikson believed there is a life cycle that is determined by external forces.In a way both theories suggest that our environment molds us to be who we are but they are in different styles. Freud was more of an adult theorist but Erickson believed that life has a cycle and we develop into who we are over a very long period of time. Although personality is modeled by our cultures and our history, people do retain some control of their own destiny such as the ability to make choices. Psychodynamic and humanistic theories each have many different sub theories beneath them and some of them are very similar in context while others are very different.The main difference between psychodynamic and humanistic theories would be that humanistic theories seem to be based on a longer period o f time while psychodynamic theories start at a later point in life. Both theories have their impact on interpersonal relationships and personality as psychodynamic theories include things such as the super-ego, which can cause a strain on a relationship because of a power struggle and the expectations of perfection while the humanistic theory suggests that we all need love in life in order to be happy and enjoy fulfillment.A person who is â€Å"needy†or has to have a relationship may sometimes become desperate and lower their expectations just so they can be with someone which could then, in turn cause a pseudo relationship, or one that is based off of false pretense. If two people who both feel the same way about being in a relationship end up together and they both feel they need each other, that relationship will obviously have a better chance of lasting.In conclusion, all theories, including the ones previously listed, make up some part of a person’s personality i n a certain way, whether it being a needy personality, a forceful one, very outgoing and loving, very egotistical and angry, etc. Odds are someone’s personality will fit in to one of the categories and will have the same basis but the most important thing to remember is that deep down, no two people are alike and it is hard to classify anyone into one group as many of us could fall into several different theories. References: Feist, J. , & Feist, G. J. (2009). Theories of personality (7th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
History: Sociology and Karl Marx Essay
Sociology is the study of people within a society. Three important Modernist Thinkers; Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber are the three important figures in sociology. During the time of the modernist thinkers, they played a role in sociology thinking. This paper will explore the importance on why these three figures are considered modernist thinkers. What there main focus was and how they are considered a modernist thinker. Karl Marx was born in 1818. He was a German philosopher who believed that material goods are part of the social world. Marx was committed to revolutionist. Marx was trying to influence the social movement. According to Marx, the ideal government would be a communist state where resources are equally shared. Marx was involved in political and social issues which later on lead to more a communist theory. Marx theory on history is focused on whether or not society will rise and fall. Based on this theory Marx was influenced by Hegel. Marx belief on history evolved from many unpredictable directions. Marx was trying to explain the analysis of capitalist within societies and the economic failures that were produced. He suggested different socialist remedies. In the article â€Å"Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s philosophy of Right†by Karl Marx, â€Å"The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man – state, society†in other words Marx was thinking about how a human being could exist. Religion is dependent on economics such as â€Å" state and society†Marx explained that capitalist takes more of our productive labor where as religion we believe there is a god or to be called that there is a god. Accordi ng to Karl Marx, alienated labor is the process of capitalism. We create dominates us. The difference of alienated labor is â€Å"the relationship of the worker to the product of labour, the second is the relationship of the labour to the act of production, and lastly is the difference is man is a species-being not only in that practically and theoretically he makes both his own and other species into his objects†(15) this is the consequences of man alienation of production from work. Therefore man is opposed from himself. Social change fits with Karl Marx perspective because Karl Marx believed there needed to be a better society and with a social change there was going to be conflict. One of the conflicts was the class conflict, the capitalist. With social change he was able to produce a better society even though there were going to be economic problems. Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist argued that society had to be studied on its own. He was the primary of society. In Durkheim’s perspective society influences individual through norms and social facts. The way an individual think or acts is constituted as a proper domain which is defined as a â€Å"constraint†in Durkheim perspective. â€Å"Constraint†is used to identify the reason behind social facts. A constraint holds power over an individual and becomes stronger over reaction. He believed that societies are held together by values. Durkheim main focus was the concern of social order, how does modern society hold together given the individualism of an individual. In the article Suicide Durkheim connects division of labour and anomie. In Suicide he connects the analysis of suicide, by exploring the different rates, different places and to explain how they are different. Emile Durkheim treats religion by according to the article â€Å"In the Human Meaning of Religion, Durkheim differentiates religion in the context of social life. It states: â€Å"religion is a mirror of society and that in fact what people take to be the realm of the sacred is society itself†(68), in other words religion is a reflection of society. The importance function of religion is to make us act. He states: â€Å"If among certain peoples the ideas of sacredness, the soul and God are to explain sociologically, it should be presumed scientifically that, in principle, the same explanation is valid from all the peoples among whom these same ideas are found with the same characteristics†(68). Based on this article religion is the meaning of life, it provides support and authority figures. Religion impacts and influences society and effects different social norms an individual. Based on my understanding social change does fit with Durkheim perspective. Therefore; in the article Division of Labour in Society, Durkheim focuses on the origin of connecting individual with one another with society, he analysis the social change and explains the conflict in modern society. In Durkheim perspective what unite us is called â€Å"social solidarity†which brings individuals together. In the article it states: â€Å"Society it not seen in the same aspect in the two cases. In the first, what we call society is more or less organized totality of beliefs and sentiments†¦ the society in which we are solidarity in the second instance is system of different, special functions which definite relations unite†(107) meaning solaridity is based on similarity because it binds us together but is different because we are different people. With Durkheim producing social change it was reduced by social reform. Max Weber was a German sociologist. Weber agreed with Marx that individuals had to fight to protect their own property and interest. He also agreed with French sociologist Durkheim; that people interest is determined by shared values. Weber believed in causality. There were multiple causes on why people behave the way they do according to him. He also believed that society is more of rationality and bureaucracy. Sociology should be more of a social action according to Weber. Weber work was the process of rationalization. Rationalization is where rules and laws dominate sectors of society in the model of a bureaucracy. According to Weber â€Å"Class, Status, Party; the way in which social honor is distributed in a community between typical grounds participating in this distribution we may call the ‘social order’. The social order and the economic order are, of course, similarly related to the ‘legal order’ (102), class, status and party was a source of social conflict that became a social difference. Class and status influences one another where as†‘parties’ live in a house of power†(106) in other words Weber was trying to explain that these spheres are connected by distribution of power. Status makes up the social order and classes are the economic order each promotes power and social change In the article â€Å"Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism†focuses on the religions ideas and economic behavior as part of the rationalization of the economic system. It states: â€Å"We can treat ascetic Protestantism as a single whole. But Since that side of English Puritanism which was derived from Calvinism gives the most consistent religious basis for the idea of calling , we shall, following our previous method , place one of its representatives at the center of the discussion†(158).Weber explore the emergency of capitalism was by an ascetic spirit of sacrifice. The development of capitalism was influences by Calvinism. In the society of this time they had more highly capitalist who were Protestants. Social change fits with Weber perspective because in the article Bureaucracy, it states â€Å"The principles of office hierarchy and of levels of graded authority mean a firmly ordered system of super- and subordination in which there is a supervision of lower offices by the higher ones†(89) bureaucracy is a social order where as the authority who changes the order it becomes a social change to society. In conclusion three important figures of sociology were Marx, Durkheim, and Weber. Each three were considered modernist thinkers for sociology. Even though they all had different theories and ideas, Marx believed economics was the force of social change where Weber though religion was. Reference Emile Durkheim selections from â€Å"Division of Labor in Society†From Scott Appelrouth and Laura Edles (eds.) Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory (Pine Forge Press, 2008) Emile Durkheim selections from â€Å"Suicide†From Scott Appelrouth and Laura Edles (eds.) Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory (Pine Forge Press, 2008) Emile Durkheim â€Å"The Human Meaning of Religion†From Peter Kivisto (ed) Social Theory: Roots and Branches (Oxford University Press, 2008). Karl Marx â€Å"Alienated Labor†From Peter Kivisto (ed) Social Theory: Roots and Branches (Oxford University Press, 2008). Karl Marx â€Å"Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right†From Christopher Hitchens (ed) The Portable Atheist (Nation Books, 2009) Max Weber â€Å"Bureaucracy†From Peter Kivisto (ed) Social Theory: Roots and Branches (OxfordUniversity Press, 2008). Max Weber â€Å"Class, Status, Party†From Peter Kivisto (ed) Social Theory: Roots and Branches Max Weber selections from â€Å"Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism†From Scott Appelrouth and Laura Edles (eds.) Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory (Pine Forge Press, 2008).
Irish People and Father Flynn
In order to answer the broad question, the term ‘possibility’ will be analysed in the context of the characters of the texts and in the ‘possibility’ for their personal growth and opportunity for change, be it spiritual, physical or emotional. The essay will focus thematically on four chosen texts: James Joyce’s The Sisters and Langston Hughes’ poems I, too, New Yorkers and Harlem. Firstly this essay will analyse how the city of Dublin represented in The Sisters is shown, through Joyce’s literary devices, to both offer and restrict possibility for each of its central characters.Key themes identified will then be used as a basis for further analysis of how these themes are more widely represented within the selected New York poems to either confirm or refute Lehan’s statement that ‘The city both offers and restricts possibility’. Textual analysis of The Sisters reveals numerous literary devices that explicate the theme of the repression of possibility by the city of its people.Throughout, Joyce uses symbolism, metaphors, and ellipsis to emphasise his themes whilst allowing the reader to infer its meanings without the need to describe them explicitly. The italicised words ’paralysis’, ‘gnomon’ and ‘simony’ (page 1) is one such technique and immediately underscores the physical, spiritual and religious restrictions found within the story that Dubliners symbolises as a ‘paralysis’ (p1) of the city and its people.The story’s young, intelligent, and sensitive (unnamed) protagonist comes to experience first-hand the reality of paralysis and death: he achieves his desire to ‘look upon’ (p1) both the physical paralysis and death of Father Flynn, with whom he was ‘great friends’ (p2) and the more subtle psychological ‘paralysis’ of those around him – his Aunt, Uncle Jack, Eliza and Nanny Flynn and Mr Cotter. The story shows that the Dublin adults are mentally immobilised – metaphorically paralysed, by their conformity to the conventions of their city lives, for them, the beliefs of the Irish church is a given.Eliza, Cotter and the church men consider Flynn and not the church to be the cause of his predicament ‘the duties of the priesthood was too much for him’ (p9). They appear unable to acknowledge the truth of a priest ‘nearly smothered’ (p4) by his understanding of the demands of his – and their- church. The perceptive boy, finds the adults surrounding him ‘tiresome’ (p1) and notices how Nannie Flynn’s skirt was hooked ‘clumsily’ (p6).His judgemental and sometimes precocious style seems at times somewhat harsh ‘the old woman’s mutterings distracted me’ (p6) and his character seemingly reflects the ‘scrupulous’ nature of Father Flynn. The friendship between this fatherless boy and the priest also offered important possibilities for growth to our protagonist, he was taught ‘a great deal’ (p2) such as ‘how to pronounce Latin properly’, told stories ‘about Napoleon Bonaparte’ and was questioned until he ‘could make no answer’ (p6).This education, when contrasted to the ‘principle’ of education described by his Uncle as a ‘cold bath’ (p2), is something that, without Father Flynn, the boy might not have had access to. The question of whether, in the ‘sensation of freedom’ from (p4)Flynn’s death, the boy takes up this possibility for change or succumbs to the paralysis caused by the restrictions of the city is one which Joyce leaves unanswered. In the case of Father Flynn the city of Dublin both offered and restricted possibility.From a lower class upbringing in ‘Irishtown’ (p9) Flynn was able to travel to, and be educated in, ‘the Irish col lege in Rome’ (p5). Yet once he returned to the city and took up his post, he became the ‘disappointed’ (p9), Father Flynn who was paralysed by his ‘too scrupulous’ (p9) nature. Perhaps this is a reference to the potentially paralysing psychological disorder ‘scrupulosity’ which would explain his ‘nervous’ (p10) disposition and his failed attempts to perform his office – represented by the symbolic chalice that ‘contained nothing’ (p9) and the ‘idle chalice’ (p10) he ‘loosely retained’ (p6) in death.The story’s namesakes, the Flynn sisters, were perhaps the most restricted by their Dublin lives. Flynn’s economically and socially impoverished siblings lived with him in the ‘unassuming shop, registered under the vague name of Drapery’ (p3) have been forced to receive the debilitating legacy of a ‘truculent’ (p6) defector whose fortunes once t ook him to college in Rome. Their lack of education becomes apparent through Eliza’s malapropisms ‘freeman’s General’(p8) and ‘rheumatic wheels’ (p9) and the fact they remain unmarried is made clear through the address of ‘Miss Flynn’ (p8).The sacrifices the sisters made for their brother’s career within the Irish church, is clearly represented by the symbolic communion of sherry and cream crackers when they receive the boy and his Aunt into the death-room, all highlight the sacrifices they have made. Joyce does not veil his opinion that the Catholic Church is responsible for a large portion of Dubliner’s paralysis of will and also hints at another malefactor: England. The death notice on the door of the shop on ‘Great Britain Street’ (p3) states that the priest died on 1st July 1895.This date coincides with the Battle of the Boyne (1690) in which Catholic supporters of James II were defeated by William III in a defeat that ‘brought death to the Irish hopes for national and religious freedom. ’(Walzl, 1965, p45) . The date is also that of the Feast of the Most Precious Blood which is symbolic of Father Flynn, his strokes, the broken chalice and the communion served in the death-room. This analysis has demonstrated a number of themes in The Sisters that restrict (paralyse) the possibility of its characters growth, and fewer that display the offering.The paralysis of its character’s resolution for change, caused by the restrictions of the city, is a theme that is also echoed throughout the rest of Dubliners. Joyce presents the city as an ever present â€Å"channel of poverty and inaction†(p. 35) which often leads to a life of â€Å"commonplace sacrifices closing in final craziness†(p. 33). Trapped by poverty and political and religious repression, Joyce's citizens cannot summon the hope or energy that Gallaher from ‘A Little Cloudâ€⠄¢ did, to â€Å"revolt against the dull inelegance†of the city (p. 68). However, Joyce's portrait of Dublin is not entirely bleak.Joyce could simply have condemned Dublin, as Gallaher does, or followed the example of Duffy, who, in A Painful Case, seeks refuge in brittle, lonely seclusion. But Joyce chose the more challenging course of confronting and accepting the loss of the ‘dear’ in ‘dear, dirty Dublin. ’ (p70) The city’s ability to supress its citizens hope of, or will to change, is something that it is clear, the paralysed characters of The Sisters had experienced, and it is this theme that this essay will now explore further, in an attempt to draw conclusions as to the validity of Lehan’s statement.The chosen Langston Hughes’ poems I, too, Harlem and New Yorkers display continuity of the theme of ‘paralysis’ through the restriction of a city on its citizens although in differing ways and to differing e xtents. Langston Hughes’ poem, I, too, is a poem whose main character is in complete contrast to the those of Joyce. Hughes positions the readers to feel the emotions of guilt and sympathy by applying his personal narration and allows the readers to recognise the inequality of the ‘darker brother’ who is sent ‘to eat in the kitchen /when company comes’ (lines 3-4).The isolation of the ‘darker brother’, his presence an embarrassment to the people around him, serves to anger and motivate his determination for change that is so differing to that of Joyce’s Dublin characters. When he ironically states, ‘But I laugh,/And eat well,/ And grow strong’ (5-7) the speaker is making clear his determination to utilise even the worst situation as an opportunity for growth. Hughes’ use of humour and irony demonstrates this positivity and certainty of change for the future which is in complete contrast to that of Joyce’ s characters.The physical symmetry of the anthem-like poem centres around the line ‘tomorrow’ (8) and seems to gain momentum and passion, as he defiantly promises white America that he will not be spoken for ‘Tomorrow, /I’ll be at the table/ when company comes. / nobody’ll dare say to me,/ eat in the kitchen [†¦] they’ll see how beautiful I am’ (8-16). Hughes positions the reader to feel both sympathy and admiration in the statement, ‘and be ashamed’ (17).The word ‘beautiful’ seemingly symbolises both the speaker’s skin colour and his cultural heritage, his pride demonstrating that he does not want to change himself so the city will accept him, but for the ‘white’ city to awake from its own paralysis and to actively accept change by valuing their separate and distinctive black culture, establishing that he, acting as a representative for the rest of his culture, is as part of the city a s â€Å"I [he] too am [is] America†(18).The theme of ‘paralysis’ is also present in Hughes’ poem Harlem albeit in different way to that of I, too. The speaker’s tone of disdain towards the city is instantly clear through the powerful imagery of it being situated on ‘the edge of hell’ (line 1). This is then compounded by the frequent punctuation and repetition of ‘old’ (3-5), successfully portraying the tedium and hopelessness that it is clear the speaker feels about the situation.The narrative uses the term ‘we’ suggesting that, like I, too, that the speaker is not just speaking as himself but acting as a ‘voice’ for a wider, black culture. When he speaks of the price increase of sugar, bread and the ‘new tax on cigarettes’ (11) he suggests political repression, when he speaks of the job they ‘never could get/and can’t have now/Because we’re coloured’ (13-15 ) he displays his embitterment towards the city and its reluctance to change. The feeling of hopelessness is carried through to the end of the poem, ‘We remember. a sombre statement echoing the ‘remembering of old lies’ (5) from the beginning and accurately portraying the sense of time passed over which they have been ‘patient’ (5) despite what ‘they told us before’ (5). The sense of hopelessness present within the speaker, and by association the African-American culture, is one that Hughes is suggesting has been gradually attained through their sacrifices for, and repression by, the city in which they live, much like that of Joyce’s Dublin upon his characters.The third poem which this essay will use to explore the validity of Lehan’s statement is that of New Yorkers. The first stanza opens introducing the male character as that of a native New Yorker ‘I was born here’ (line 1), the internal rhyme of ‘that ’s no lie, he said/right here beneath God’s sky’ (2-3) draws attention to the apparent need to reassure the female character that he was telling the truth, the implication being that they had been subject to previous dishonesty.If, like in Hughes’ other two poems we assume that each ‘voice’ represents the voice of their particular cultures we can infer a deeper meaning to the previous statement: that the female voice who ‘wasn’t born here’ (4) represents the new immigrants, the statement therefore seemingly echoing the ‘old lies’ seen in Hughes’ Harlem that promised of better possibilities. ‘where I come from/folks work hard/all their lives/ until they die/ and never own no parts/of earth nor sky’(6-11) Hughes draws attention to her belief of the better possibilities that the city would offer and the fact that they were misguided, by his use f her believing she could own a piece of ‘s ky’ (11). The repetition of the word also serves to demonstrate the similarities between the ‘sky’ of the place from which the immigrant originates and that of the city’s despite her initial beliefs that the city would offer more ‘Now what’ve I got? ’ (13). The following declaration of love ‘You! ’ (14) acts to convey that an unexpected possibility for emotional growth has been offered. However the hint of irony in the final line ‘The same old spark! perhaps implies that she has closed her mind to her original dreams of expanding possibilities, for what might be a temporary ‘flame’. In conclusion, Hughes’ poems, like The Sisters, all indicate the offering of, and restrictions on, the possibilities within a city and therefore confirm Lehan’s statement. Both authors, upon first glance, seemingly highlight more restrictions than opportunities. It is important to remember however, that as each c ity changes, so do the opportunities and restrictions offered, and at the time of writing, both cities were in a period of dramatic change, to which there is always resistance.At the conclusion of The Sisters we are left wondering how much of a character's plight is due to the city’s restrictions Joyce so specifically illuminates, and how much is due to human qualities that transcend environment. Perhaps the lesson in both Joyce’s and Hughes’ work, is that a city is made up of individual characters, and as long as its individuals remain backward-facing, without hope and closed to change, they will be paralysed from seeing the possibilities that the city has to offer them.Word Count 2186 Bibliography †¢ A230 Assignment Guide,( 2010) TMA 04, Open University press †¢ Bremen, B (1984) â€Å"He Was Too Scrupulous Always†: A Re-Examination of Joyce's â€Å"The Sisters†James Joyce Quarterly , Vol. 22, No. 1 pp. 55-66 †¢ Haslam, S & Asbe e, S (2012) The Twentieth Century, Twentieth-Century Cities, Open University Press †¢ Haslam, S & Asbee, S (2012) The Twentieth Century, ‘Readings for part 1’, Open University Press James Joyce (2000 [1914]) Dubliners (with an introduction and notes by Terence Brown), Penguin Modern Classics, London, Penguin. †¢ Walzl, F (1965) The life chronology of the Dubliners , James Joyce Quarterley Websites: †¢ A230-11J, Study Guide: Week 26: Extra Resources, Milton Keynes, The Open University, http://learn. open. ac. uk/file. php/7066/ebook_a230_book3_pt1_chpt4_langston-hughes-poetry_l3. pdf (accessed 21st March 2012) †¢ http://us. penguingroup. com/static/rguides/us/dubliners. html
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Arthur Black
Arthur Black is a very opinionated man. In his essays about Canada, he has many short pieces about the differences between Canadians and Americans. He states how there is never anything bad said about Canada, and that Canada could even be considered a â€Å"wallflower†. In his essay Canadian Passion Not Flagging, Black talks about how the Americans wave their flag and Canadians do not. Americans have their flag everywhere; hanging inside malls, and even at the gas stations. In his essay Canada: Too Polite to Live, it says how the American Declaration of Independence demands life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.Canadians have settled for peace, order, and good government. Another difference between Americans and Canadians according to Arthur Black is that the Americans know much more about their countries history than Canadians know about theirs. Toronto is definitely not one of Arthur Black’s favourite places to be. He explains in the essay Toronto: Not Quite Rea dy for Prime Time, Black says how â€Å"it doesn’t have the easy beauty of Vancouver, or the joire de vivre of Montreal. It lacks the architectural grace of Ottawa and the mountainscape backdrop of Calgary†.Black says it feels fast, brittle, cold, and arrogant, and that it is all about money. He says how Torontonians do not look like they are having a good time, and at sporting events the fans are much quieter than other cities in Canada. Arthur Black also says how Toronto people do not really care about the meaning of things; they just want it to be productive. Black says how they think ‘The Rock’ (massive slab of Muskoka granite) is a waste of space in the downtown park. It is pointless and they would rather have something there that would make money.Toronto would not be the place Arthur would choose to live in for the rest of his life. Arthur Black would define Canada as a lot of things. He says how Canadians don’t know their own national anthem, and in the article O Cana-a-do (re, mi) Arthur talks about how if a Canadian is accused of being an American, they will fight until it is proven otherwise. Also, to be Canadian, it is almost a must to have an interest in hockey. Hockey is the one sport Canada can safely say they are the best at. People from Canada know a different level of cold than places like the USA.In the article A Samaritan with Jumper Cables, Black says how â€Å"this aint a country; this is winter. †Also in that article, he tells some stories about how polite and kind people from Canada are and how if the car spun off the road or ran out of gas, Canadians would be there to help right away. Arthur Black’s main classification of Canada is polite, and that is most likely the rest of the world’s opinion also. Your Canada Winter in Canada is much different than winter in other countries. For one, it is much longer.Winter lasts about six to eight months, and it can be unbearably cold. The day s are significantly shorter than summer, which makes it that much harder to wake up for the day at school or at work. Having to shovel the driveway isn’t Canadians favorite pastime at seven in the morning when they are going to be late for work. Also what needs to be taken into account is making sure the car is plugged in during the night. When that is forgotten in the cold days of winter, it is pretty hard to get anywhere because no car would start if it was sitting outside.The season of winter in Canada isn’t all bad though, it is very pretty at times. Waking up and looking out the window to a fresh blanket of snow is one of the greatest sights for a Canadian. Also, sitting by the fire place with it white outside, drinking a warm cup of cocoa is the best on a snowy day. Winter for Canadians also means hockey. Whether it is hockey in a rink or shinny on a frozen pond, Canadians love their hockey. For many Canadians, being active in winter is an important part of enjoy ing life.There are many other outdoor winter activities, including skiing, ice fishing, walking, skating and tobogganing, amongst others. Winter also means Christmas. Christmas is the longest break for students in school, so it is a much anticipated holiday. It seems like everyone is in a much better mood when Christmas is coming, it might be because they get to see family and they get time to put up their feet and relax. Sometimes people from other countries will ask â€Å"how do you tell people apart when they bundle themselves with a winter jacket†, but the truth is, that’s exactly how to tell people apart.People around the city get to know what jacket others have, and that becomes their identity. It sure saves a lot of time picking out an outfit to wear for the day when a winter jacket ends up covering it up anyways. The cold winter days are also a great time to catch up on the missed TV shows. In the summer, there is always something to do because the days are bri ght so long. In winter, it gets dark at around six, which leaves plenty of time to catch up on favorite TV seasons. Canadians are winter experts and know how to make it the best it can possibly be.
Hydraulic fracturing in the USA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Hydraulic fracturing in the USA - Assignment Example Rather, it is their opinion that the US should proceed towards renewable sources of energy, such as biomass, solar, and wind (Hillstrom 24). The potential for energy held by shale gas cannot be denied, and it is the single swiftest emerging source of energy in the US, representing 30% of natural gas supplies today, up from 1% in 2000. One benefit of fracking is that carbon emissions are said to be falling due to the amount of natural gas extracted through the process. This has resulted from the replacement of burning coal fuel with the use of shale gas during the production of electric power (Hillstrom 44). Therefore, it seems that there is a chance shale gas may replace fossil fuels in majority of US power plants. Another benefit is that the use of fracking will reduce the United States’ dependency on the Middle East for its energy needs, while it is also expected that increased development of the sector will result in additional jobs, already having provided 600,000 jobs in the year 2012. In addition, availability of cheaper gas in the United States will result in the increase of the country’s manufacturing capabilities in the face of increased competition from countries with cheaper labour (Hillstrom 45). It is also possible that the US will become a net exporter of energy as its production incre ases. Finally, fracking offers promise as the bridge between energy systems based on carbon from the past and a future that is greener and cleaner. However, the practice also carries various disadvantages, especially with regards to the environment. First, the process requires the use of a lot of water, which could be regarded as the inefficient use of a precious commodity, while it also leads to the production of a lot of wastewater that could contaminate the ground water and flow into streams and rivers (Hillstrom 56). There
Friday, September 27, 2019
Term Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Research - Term Paper Example However, during the party, where Madame Loisel has an amazing time, she loses the necklace. In a haste to replace the necklace without Forestier knowing, Loisel and her husband spend all of their money, as well as money they do not have, to buy this new necklace. The debt puts the Loisels into poverty. The irony of this story is seen at the end, when Loisel meets up with Forestier after many years, only to find that the necklace that was lost was hardly worth a percentage of the one used as a replacement. The themes found in â€Å"The Necklace†are irony and greed. Madame Loisel longed for a life of luxury. She refused to go out because she felt that she did not meet any of the standards of the â€Å"rich women,†as was stated in the story. She lusted after what others had, and cared not for all that she had in her average life. It was Madame Loisel’s greed that caused the ironic outcome of the story. Had she not been so set on being charming and living, if only briefly, the life that she had longed for, she would have not lost the cheap necklace and gone on to replace it with a much more exquisite piece of jewelry. Her greed brought in the irony of her and her husband having to live worse than ever for ten years. Her greed blinded her of just how precious life was despite all of the material possessions. It was because of this that enabled her to witness how others below her were forced to live. From the first paragraph of the story, â€Å"The girl was one of those pretty and charming young creatures who sometimes are born, as if by a slip of fate, into a family of clerks. She had no dowry, no expectations, no way of being known, understood, loved, married by any rich and distinguished man; so she let herself be married to a little clerk of the Ministry of Public Instruction,†it was clear that Madame Loisel was a self-spoiled girl. This is shown in the way that she automatically links being pretty to having a perfect, rich
Eastern Food Restaurant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Eastern Food Restaurant - Essay Example To meet this goal, the company, will consider the quality, generosity, understanding, and fairness between vendors, customers, staff, and management, the impact that the business choices and practices will portend on the environment the restaurant will be situated in, and the product’s effects on the well-being and health of the staff and customers. Being aware of the responsible actions and these factors that the result should give a sense of meaning and effort that go far beyond the goals of basic financial obligations. Development and Status The company Eastern Foods was incorporated in the year 1992 in November and certified. The company’s founders are Kenneth O, Donahue and Martha Lee. Martha is the company President while Kenneth is the company’s Vice President. The company has issued common stocks of over 10,000 shares with both Kenneth and Martha owning 2,500 shares each. The remainder of the stocks have been retained by the company for distribution in th e future. Kenneth and Lee have loaned ?30,000 from their own funds to aid in start up costs and research for the restaurant. Eastern Food Restaurant’s found a suitable site for its UK based restaurant two months ago and negotiations on the lease period were recently completed, with the deal being in its final stages of completion. The restaurant’s location will be on 134-136 Wardour Street, which is adjacent to a densely populated area of the market that the restaurant will target. After the signing of the lease agreement, the company will have four months to construct the restaurant without any rent charged, this period being the one where the start-up fund balance should be raised. On the completion of this phase, Eastern Food Restaurant would be opened with the project’s operation phase set to begin. Future Plans Should the restaurant meet, by the tenth month, a majority of its projections, the company will begin to look for another location, to develop anoth er restaurant, and start planning procedures for another restaurant. The company’s five-year goal is ownership of four restaurants in the greater London area whose annual combined profit the company expects to be in the range of ?20,000 and ?700,000. Industry Analysis The restaurant industry business is quite competitive, with lifestyle changes that have been created by modern culture fuelling the industry’s steady growth continuously. Increasingly more people possess less cooking ability, resources, and time. The importance of trends cannot be overstated, and Eastern Food restaurant UK aims to be well positioned for this interest in healthier and lighter foods going for moderate to low prices. The Restaurant Industry as it is today The service of food is the fourth biggest industry in the UK. The industry accounts for approximately $200 billion each year in sales. Independent restaurants account for approximately 20% of this total. The average Brit will spend approxim ately 20% of their income on away from home food, with the number having increased steadily over the past 5 years (Katz, 2006 pp140). The reasons for this are an increase in the variety of product, economic climate, and changes in lifestyle. Future Trends and Strategic Opportunities The growth trend predicated is quite positive in long and short term projections. Modern living has created increased demands that have made people be compelled to eat away from their homes. This is predicted to be as high as 35% in the coming six years. The national restaurant
Thursday, September 26, 2019
High Dropout Rates in the United Sates Research Paper
High Dropout Rates in the United Sates - Research Paper Example In the recent years, California schools in the United States have registered high rates of dropout particularly among African-Americans. As result of many factors, this has raised the concerns of many of the parties involved in the education sector. These parties include government agencies departments, and the non- governmental organizations. The revelation of the high dropouts in schools has led to a research being carried out through cooperation and collaboration of the various agencies to investigate the trends, reasons behind this problem and how this can be curbed and reduced. Government has instituted a four year research to study the trends of the high dropout rates, establish the reasons behind the trend, investigate the efforts to reverse the trend, and come up with amicable recommendations to solve this problem. According to previously carried out research, there is difference in the rates of dropouts among the various races. Race distribution in any Californian school determines the rate of drop out the school will experience over time. High dropout rates are recorded among the minorities with African-American recording the highest rates. Whites and Asians have in the past recorded the lowest rates of dropout from schools. This is because of reasons associated with the background of the students, parental expectations, and faculty expectations. The expectations held of the student by the society at large either demoralize or motivate the students in pursuit of their education.
CIS 599 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
CIS 599 - Assignment Example The CIO days as the principal manager are long gone. Currently, both the IT manager and CIO need to be productive business leaders who are conversant with technology. Grasping the strategically aligned organization framework and applying its ideas will assist in releasing the management’s full potential as leaders (Lane, 2011). On covering people, the author’s contributors stress on the relevance of recruiting and collaboration supported by some great notions on talent management and employee development. The chapter on people also contains a vast amount of detail on the CIO role in each section as well as the career needs of the CIO (Lane, 2011). The book brilliantly handles the technology part by focusing on how better to handle the technology folder. Strategies such as assessing an organization IT portfolio effectiveness using on-budget and on-time percentages of projects to correspond with the needs to the actual functionality could be effective performance strategies. Other more efficient implementations of IT portfolio management is to assist the organization to prioritize IT projects so that fewer assets could be managed guaranteeing IT’s placement with maximizing IT investment and business priorities. In terms of compliance, the IT professionals need to be conscious of the compliance need with many different kinds of laws. Definite rules have to be used, and they may need supervisory reporting to agencies that control such compliance. There are different company policies necessary so as to heighten the effectiveness of the company profit making efforts. The book states that in the CIO world there is nothing more important than project quality. If one identifies himself or herself as a quality fanatic, they should put CIO weight behind project quality and adopt some simple strategies that project leaders, quality leaders, PMO, and business partners will gain
Global & International Business Contexts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Global & International Business Contexts - Essay Example This is mainly because of drinking habits in non-traditional regions, growing culture of cafes and increasing share of instant coffee (Surana 2009). Discussing in detail the coffee market of India, the change in trend towards coffee is mainly due to two reasons, firstly, the entrance of multinational firms which bought the concept of instant coffee that is rising day by day. Secondly, the espresso culture which is encouraging coffee parlours to open up for consumers to choose variety of coffee from there, at the same time providing opportunity to meet people and relax (Sreenivasan 1999). These parlours are targeting the people between the age group of 15-29. This identify that the main target market for these coffee houses is youth which is the major population of India therefore the market is huge and the leader can gain a lot out of it. According to the research, 72% of customer or target market is students or young professional who have enough disposable income to spend on. Another target area for these coffee houses is the young people working in call centers due to which a lot of these cafes are located near call centers and big companies offices (Choudhury 2007). The coffee provided in a unique environment contributes 7% to the total consumption industry and is expected to grow at half percent (Shenoy 2005). Retail cafà ©s are now multi-crore industry and has a huge potential of growth locally and internationally (The Indian Institute Of Planning And Management 2006). Currently, there are few key players in the industry: Barista, Cafà © Coffee Day, Costa Coffee, Coffee World, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf (CBTL) and Qwicky. Among them the top two are Barista and Cafà © coffee day who have captured the major share in the market. The country is moving towards a stable and conducive political environment as a reduction is seen in internal turmoil due to political influences and moreover, the political parties have shown positive response towards
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Mid sized corporation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Mid sized corporation - Research Paper Example Therefore it would be ethical to settle the case with Mr. Larry and also to pay him certain amount of money as a result of which he doesn’t reveal the secrets of the company. However certain policies like termination, penalty or certain other strict punishment must be imposed upon him if this happens in the near future (Herman, 2010). If he is not stopped from doing so then there are chances that he may repeat these kinds of activities. As the company is under at-will state which states that the employees can quit at any time as well as the employer can fire an employee at any time for any reason (Runkell, n.d.). Hence if this is repeated in the near future the company has the right to terminate him as per the law. Herman, S., (2010). Male Sexual Harassment Claims on the Rise. Addressing Male Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Retrieved Online on October 1, 2010 from Ricadela, A., (2010). HP’s Former CEO Said to Settle with Sexual-Harassment Accuser. Bloomberg. Retrieved Online on October 1, 2010 from
DISCUSSION BOARD PART 2-2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
DISCUSSION BOARD PART 2-2 - Essay Example These requirements include the literature must be peer reviewed, organized chronologically, recent (3-5 years old), compare and contrast different points of view among others. My study being a qualitative study, I perceive this as a challenge in that many studies are quantative in nature. In this regard, I have to go through so much literature against limited time, to compare and contrast my thinking with others. The second challenge that can come from this research is few respondents. A qualitative research requires considerable skill and little direction. According to smith et al, qualitative research has a high dross rate because of participants digressing form the main issue (Smith et al, 2008). When collecting data in a mixed cultural set up, some individuals may be unwilling to respond or give information asked. This will result in a bias because I have to reselect the sample. A challenge may arise on meeting respondents that cannot speak the languages I speak because this prev ents an open dialogue because. A third challenge is meeting a doctoral chair from the faculty that suits my interests and learning schedule. To ensure competency in this research I have set aside time to study and do research to ensure that I can make correct contrasts and comparisons. I have researched for a good research question to propel this study, stated the research design well, and identified the method as qualitative. Already I have started working on research questions that are short, prompting, and structured. The choice of questions has taken into account three challenges earlier stated, reducing any bias in the study. A successful student doctoral study chair relationship is critical. Building a relationship with the chair requires a student first to communicate regularly through emails, especially during the first few weeks after approval. Checking with the chair with the preferred means of
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Blog and nots Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Blog and nots - Essay Example The text is also more allusive, drawing on texts from various Mexican corridors and French feminist theory. Anzaldua character traits are of great importance for any philosophy of the social, within the writing. Critical insights of figures like of Derrida and Nietzsche as it relates to individual identity crafted out of a fractured heritage (Anzaldua). The author information is that, borders all lenders given that the human condition entails being stretched across the chasm of self-alterity. It is through full identification of this can a major inventory of the self-operate; that is a prerequisite for the responsibility and genuine care for oneself. In addition, the book opens up doors of consciousness for many in their own spiritual as well as a creative life. I, therefore, strongly recommend that one should read the book at night before sleeping. It is a literature that expands the dreams of consciousness. In a semi-autobiographical account, Anzaldua agrees with her Chicana lesbian identity to appreciate the components of its existence. In addition, author’s lesbian nature has traces of both female and male characters, but Anzaldua culture is a mixture of many different cultures and races. By employing English and Spanish in the writing, the author demonstrates that the literature of Chicana cannot be in one language. Cultural identity is of great importance to Anzaldua but claims that culture of individuals in power referring to men. Males make laws and the rules, laws, but it is women who transmit them. By going beyond the limits of either Mexican or American culture, Chicana literature gives a voice to individuals of the borderland. Apart from the physical border between Mexico and America, as well as the linguistic border between English and Spanish, Anzaldua also explains the boundaries of gender and sexuality in
Behavior Problems research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Behavior Problems - Research Paper Example On the other hand, creativity is not directly related to the academic achievements of learners. However, birth order is directly linked to higher levels of creativity. Introduction Behavioral problem, as a noun phrase is used to refer to any suggestive expression of interpersonal or emotional maladjustment, especially in children. These problems are externally depicted through actions like enuresis, nail-biting, negativism, or the display of overt antisocial acts or hostile behavioral patterns. On the other hand, Creativity is the predisposition to recognize or generate ideas, possibilities, and alternatives to an issue – especially during the course of solving problems, while conversing, and when communicating with others. Creativity is also displayed, from the ability of an individual to entertain themselves and others. There are three courses, as to why individuals are provoked into developing creativity. These include the necessity to express values or ideas; the desire to solve the problems that will come in the way of an individual; and the need to express original, varied and multifaceted stimulation. However, in order to be creative, there is an intricate need to be able to view things in varied ways, or from different perspectives. The ability to display creativity does not occur by change, but is linked to highly fundamental qualities of thinking, these including tolerance of unpredictability, the ability to enjoy unknown things, and flexibility in thinking processes. Academic achievement can be defined as the display of superiority in varied academic fields – both in class as well as in extracurricular activities. It is a phrase used to mean a combination of superiorities in the following areas: behavior, confidence, sporting, communication, skillfulness, arts, punctuality, culture and assertiveness among others. Discussion From a previous study carried out by (Yousefi et al. 2010), the statistics shows that boys suffering from behavior al and emotional difficulties scored lower in academic achievement, when compared to those who did not have these problems. However, in the case of girls showing the symptoms of internalizing problems, it was different, as they attained higher grades in academic achie
Monday, September 23, 2019
EMBA 560 discussion 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
EMBA 560 discussion 5 - Essay Example So I searched in the internet for blogs to see how common people define it. The simplest description I got is that that of So (2008), who broke down authentic leadership into three components: self-awareness, develop and practice solid values, and lead with the heart. I was struck with this description because it was both simple and true. Self-awareness is important because most people do not realize when they are pretending, mostly to meet other people’s expectations. Solid values are crucial because they are the springboard of all our thoughts and actions. Most importantly, leading with the heart (grounded in solid values and the person’s true aspirations) connects with other people, such as the leader’s followers, in a way that engages people to people and elicits a greater commitment to the common goal. So I agree with the statement that a pretentious leader cannot yield sustainable success. An authentic leader delivers a message from the heart, and is theref ore also able to elicit a response from the heart. When the will is engaged in this way, there is a long-term commitment to sustained action, and therefore sustainable success. Messages delivered by inauthentic leaders fail to convince, are begrudgingly followed, and are soon forgotten, so success can only be short-term. Reference So, TTC. (18 July 2008) ‘Authentic Leadership – Authenticity Matters.’ Positive Psychology News Daily. Available at [Accessed 24 April 2013] 2. In your view, what makes an executive authentic? So (2008) described an authentic leader as having self-knowledge and solid values, and leading from the heart. Of all definitions of authentic leadership, this is probably the simplest, the easiest to comprehend, and the most complete. It includes intellectual awareness of oneself, moral grounding, and emotional candor. Of these three components, however, only one is definitive of the e ssence of authenticity. It cannot be self-awareness, which is a relative thing and can never be perfected, nor could anybody be sure that he/she is fully aware of the breadth and depth of his/herself. In fact, we evolve over time as persons, so our awareness of ourselves at any one time is already outdated. Also, how our self-knowledge is always subjective. Like Johari window (Darden, 2003) what we know about ourselves is only one quadrant. There are also those attributes known only to others, and those unknown to anyone. Then there is the development of solid values. Unfortunately, by the time we are advanced to the point of being leaders, we already have a firm set of values, whether they are good or bad, because valued are developed in childhood and adolescence. So there is not much an adult can do about his/her values but to recognize them. However, no matter their early upbringing or the level of their self-awareness, could always conduct their actions ‘from the heart.â⠂¬â„¢ Acting according to one’s convictions is entirely within the control of anyone at anytime; all one needs is the will to do it. This is the core of being an authentic executive, having the will to act and lead from the heart. References Darden, K (2003) ‘Assessments – Understanding Ourselves Better’ Career Life Institute. Available at [Accessed 25 April 2013] So, TTC. (18 July 2008) ‘
Computer & application reseach paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Computer & application reseach paper - Essay Example These octopus cards can be recharged at a later stage in over the counter stores as well as through the facilitation of credit cards and not to forget the bank accounts as well. The historical significance of the octopus cards stems from the year 1979 when the MTR network put forward a system which brought different magnetic plastic cards into circulation. These cards were employed for single journey tickets and at times as stored value ones. The Kowloon Canton Railway Corporation made use of these magnetic cards in much the same way in the year 1984 and later on these were renamed as the Common Stored Value Tickets. The Octopus system was employed in the year 1997 after three trials had been done on it. Other transport services also made use of it in the coming times and in the year 2003; a major breakthrough was achieved when the Government of Hong Kong began using it. After this, there was the deployment of these octopus cards within the different faculties of the government which has remained like that to date. The usage of octopus cards is that they be purchased just about anywhere and for doing so, no identification process is deemed necessary. This suggests that the ease of usage is pretty much there so to speak. If the owner misplaces his/her octopus card then the stored value within the octopus card is lost and the anonymous basis of the octopus card makes it so much more easy to use as there is not a bit of personal information or bank account and similar details on the octopus card itself. The use of the octopus card has increased with the passage of time and nearly all forms of purchases with Hong Kong are taking place courtesy the octopus cards. The application of the octopus cards can be studied from the fact that they do not require any form of physical contact with the octopus card readers and can be easily read within a distance of a few centimeters. There are the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Write an article with a right wing and left wing about exclusions and Essay
Write an article with a right wing and left wing about exclusions and the summer riots - Essay Example The department of education acknowledges that there was eminent occurrence of school exclusion among the pupils brought before the court. Exclusion is materially and socially established. Exclusion has substituted the older phrases of expulsion and suspension which were the approaches for elimination of unruly students from school. Exclusion of students from school has repercussions that widen outside education to the capability for the young individuals to take part entirely in the general public later on. This acts as punishment for those students who go against the rules and regulations of school settings. Recently, a study on socially excluded students and pupils in United Kingdom showed that they were not enrolled in any education institution, had no education, employment and training qualifications, live on state assistances and engrossed in minor crimes. This estrangement from training and schooling attributes to educational, social or emotional problems that were not adequately addressed in their early years of education. In the summer riots, young people looted stalls and corporations. Such acts are beyond reasonable doubt contrary to the penal code and subject to punishment. The young people are â€Å"outside the social mainstream and live in a culture at odds with any cannons of proper behaviours†. One of the primary roles of educational institutions is to bring up a morally upright society. Since the institutions cannot condone such unethical behaviours; the only solution is always to eliminate the indiscipline students from the institutions. Education institutions should heighten discipline among the students through setting up standards of behavior. The schools should also review their behavioural standards and policies and publicize to the students and parents. Once a student is found with indiscipline cases, he or she should be reprimanded, removed from the class, lose privileges or a letter send to the parents or
The Importance of the Modern Era of Political Philosophy Essay Example for Free
The Importance of the Modern Era of Political Philosophy Essay The Modern Era of political philosophy is best characterized as a revolt against the traditional constraints of the time. Machiavelli believed that politics should be separate and distinct from ethics, morality, and religion. Protestant reformers such as Luther and Calvin went head to head with the Catholic Church, paving the way for religious individualism and incorporating various political revisions. Hobbes called for a major overhaul in England concerning not only political and religious issues, but social and economic ones as well. As modern philosophers began to voice their opinions, Central, Southern, and Western Europe began to change drasticallychanges that would affect the direction of Western political thought forever. Niccolo Machiavelli, born in Florence, Italy in 1469, was the first political philosopher to recognize the importance and potential of the nation-state, an idea he shared with the world. This idea was shared primarily through Machiavellis most notable works: The Prince and Discourses on the First Ten Books of Titus Livius. The Prince was dedicated to the new Medici (the ruling family in Florence at the time) ruler, Lorenzo; some modern interpreters have viewed the work primarily as a plea for forgiveness, as Machiavelli wanted his civil service job back after being suspected of treason. As indicated in his two major works, Machiavelli had two distinct goals: the desire to return to active government service and the promotion of stability and freedom from foreign control, secular or religious, for all of Italy. Martin Luthers (1483-1546) discrepancies with the Catholic Church began early in his career when he attacked the sale of indulgences and also came to the conclusion that human nature is wretched and sinful. He also criticized the popes absolutism and the church hierarchy. When Luther finally poured his heart out onto paper in 1517, the result was his Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences, otherwise known as the Ninety-five Theses, which he promptly nailed to the church door in his hometown of Wittenberg, Germany. Three years later Luther wrote an essay entitled An Appeal to the Ruling Class. Each of these works as well as Luthers other writings made three main allegations against the church. These allegations were known as the Three Walls. The first wall he attacks is the fact that secular power has no control over the pope. The second wall deals with the idea that the church is more than just the pope; it encompasses everyone who is a member of the faith. This particular wall disputed the idea of papal infallibility as well as the pope as the sole authority of the church. The third wall Luther confronts concerns the claim that only the pope can summon a council to resolve or address church issues, such as questions of doctrine. Later that same year, the pope excommunicated Luther from the Catholic Church, but not before Luthers words had a significant impact on the Catholic Church. These events cause Christians to reexamine the relationship between church and state-authority through the eyes of the individual, as well as defining limits on both church and state power. John Calvin, born in 1509, founded one of the first sects of Protestantism that developed after Luthers revamp of the Catholic Church. Calvin shared the belief that human deeds cannot ensure salvation and that government serves as a punishment and remedy for human sin. In his book Institutes of the Christian Religion, Calvin distinguishes two types of government: the spiritual, by which the conscience is formed to piety and the service of God; and the political, by which a man is instructed in the duties of humanity and civility. Almost overnight, the Protestant Reformation brought the monolithic foundation of medieval Christianity down, leaving behind several new concepts in political thought. During the first half of the 17th century, English philosopher Thomas Hobbes found conflict on numerous fronts concerning English society. The first issue was concerning religious freedom, pitting King Charles I and his Anglican Church against a number of independent Protestant sects. Hobbes and his Protestant followers claimed that the Anglican Church was too close in organization and liturgy to the Catholic Church. They also rejected the claim of Charles I to rule by divine right. The second issue was political in nature, concerning the fact that England did not have a written constitution (and still do not today), thereby allowing for Parliamentary error and inconsistancies. The third issue that Hobbes was concerned with was the fact that social and economic issues were becoming interrelated due to a growing middle class who demanded more political representation in Parliament. During Hobbess lifetime, the world experienced a scientific revolution due to important discoveries. The spirit of forward progress influenced Hobbess understanding of politics as well. Hobbes treated his issues like scientific theory, always concerned with precise definitions and correct terminology. On what basis could the practice of government be conducted once society was no longer a community? asks the central philosophical question concerning Hobbess political philosophies. Hobbes reinforces the basis for politics of the Modern Era by uniting absolutism and consent, taking his cues from the scientific revolution of the era. Hobbess most important philosophical work, Leviathan, discusses human nature from the standpoint of the individual, thus defining the foundation for Hobbess political universe. Obviously, Hobbess political focus is on the individual; however, some critics argue whether Hobbess philosophies were intended as a scientific blueprint for a fit government as Hobbes saw it, or if his philosophies merely succeeded in raising questions about the balance between individual liberty and social order. Of all the versatile philosophers associated with the Modern Era of political philosophy, only Niccolo Machiavelli can be described as the personification of the transformation from the medieval to the modern era. Machiavellis aggregate view of politics focuses on the individual. In contradiction to the values of ancient and medieval political philosophers, Machiavelli establishes a separation between personal morality and necessary political practice. The Florentine also supports the idea of a republican state, thus allowing the greatest degree of liberty. He created a new science of politics with a more down-to-earth and practical set of principles. Machiavellis recognition of the importance and potential of the nation-state not only set him apart from his predecessors, but also ushered in a new era of political thought, paving the way toward the unfolding Western political tradition. The importance of the Modern Era of political philosophy is plainly evident in todays society. A large part of the Constitution of the United States is based on the liberal philosophies of the Modern Era. The idea of separation of church and state is most prolific during this era, and it remains today one of the fundamental principles of liberty upon which the governments of the United States and numerous other nation-states in the West are based. Also, the focus of individual liberty is very apparent in many of the political discourses of the Modern philosophers. Had the philosophers of the Modern Era not battled the widespread corruption apparent in the Catholic Church and the ruling classes across Europe, who is to say that the Western political tradition would have unfolded at all?
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Definition of a True Friend Essay Example for Free
Definition of a True Friend Essay What is the definition of a true friend? A lot of people have friends that they can depend on for just about anything. Some just have needy friends that are there when they need or want something. There are so many definitions of what a friend could be. The dictionary’s definition of a friend is a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. Although there are many different ways to describe a friend, you will always know when you have a true friend if you have ever had one before. Most friends come and go but a true friend will always stay. A true friend is someone that you can ask for advice and learn a lot from just from being around them. Having a true friend can be the best thing you will ever experience spiritually. One way to tell whether or not you have a true friend is if they can turn a bad day into a good day with a conversation or even a small compliment. Being a true friend means that one will not judge you by your mistakes but help to make the proper corrections to the mistakes. A true friend listens to your problems and lends you beneficial guidance to better your situation. Being a true friend means whether or not they agree with your choices, they will stand by you and support your decisions. Sometimes they may not always like what you have to say, however they will always respect it because of the common ground shared by the two of you. At times you will argue with a friend and have a falling-out with them for a lengthy amount of time. What can cause a potential altercation between you and your friend is not treating your friend with the proper respect deemed necessary in a healthy friendship. Most of the time it is just a swift disagreement that ends in a more exceptional interpretation of one another’s feelings, however, there are also times when it can be much more damaging to the friendship itself. It could take a long period of time to repair it, if it can even be repaired at all. Having the encouragement and support of a friend can be one of the most prominent qualities to keeping a friendship glued together. Letting a friend know that you are behind them in whatever they do and that you will support them in any decision they make is a good, firm foundation for a true friendship. Even though you might not make all the same choices that your friend may make, you should still support whatever decision they may make. It is very clear to see there are so many definitions of what a friend could be it is often overlooked that a true friend is really a true friend. Whether it’s going to some sort of an event or just hanging around, time with them and understanding where they are coming from is a good, solid foundation to a true friendship. So many people do not often realize the profound relationship that you had or can have with a true friend until it is lost. I advise that if you have a friend that meets any of these qualities, or gives you any of these feelings to keep them and cherish what you have. Treat a good friend the way you would like to be treated. Like a true friend!
Positioning Of The New Product Marketing Essay
Positioning Of The New Product Marketing Essay Starbucks is the leading roaster, retailer, and marketer of speciality coffee in the world, It also has the world famous Frappuccino Blended Beverages, which include Green Tea and Chai Tea beverages. Currently, Starbucks is planning to introduce bubble tea products into New Zealand. Bubble tea is a tea base drink blended with fruit flavour and chewing balls. It is a popular drink in Asian countries, and has been accepted and loved by the people around the world. This bubble tea product line will be branded as Bubblecino. This marketing plan analysed the current market environment and situations, and will be used for the introduction of Bubblecino into New Zealand market. According to the analysis, Bubblecino is going to be the premium bubble tea in the market which offers premium quality with best service and outstanding store environment. The main target market for Bubblecino is younger people and people who are concerning healthy drinks. This marketing plan also identified the mark eting objectives in the following two years, including achieving NZ$1 million on Bubblecino sales. This marketing plan then suggested the products design, pricing of Bubblecino, distribution decisions, and promotion mix, which includes internet advertisements, outdoor display, bus signs, sampling and use of coupons. Lastly, the coordination and control of the marketing plan was also covered in this report. Markets Size It is difficult to analysis the market size for bubble tea as it is still a brand new market in the most of western nations. However, New Zealand has the culture of drinking traditional English tea, and New Zealanders should have a decent market foundation for the tea based beverages. Another way to analyse New Zealand market is to look at the other countries that have similar culture and other social characteristics. One of example is London, UK. DailyMail reported Bubbleology, which is Londons foremost purveyor of bubble tea had a forecast sale of  £4.5 million for 2013 (Arthurs, 2012). Considering the population of London is around 8 million currently which is two times of New Zealand population, it would be reasonable to estimate the market size of bubble tea in New Zealand would be around NZ$2 million per year. It is a decent size of market for Starbucks, who made a sale of NZD26.5 million last year (Starbuck, 2012). In additional, based on the last years sales figure and assu mption of average spending of NZ$8 per person, Starbuck accommodates around 3 million customers every year. Although it is too unrealistic to estimate all 3 million customers to buy a bubble tea product, this customer base provides a market potential for Starbuck to promote its bubble tea products. Markets Needs and Trends The market trend within the recent decade on drinking industry is people in western countries are more open and starting to fall in love with the tea based drinks. Iced tea products, such as ready-to-drink Lipton Iced teas can be seen in every supermarkets and shops in New Zealand. The fast developing of Lipton helps bubble teas to unlock the preconceived notions about the tea. People nowadays are more accepting the new tea based products, such as bubble teas. In addition, more and more people appreciate and understand the benefit of drinking tea. It is scientifically proven that drinking tea could reduce the chance of heart diseases and several cancers (Harvard Womens Health Watch, 2004). The current market trend in beverage is people are more concern about the health issues and would prefer a healthier drink (Theodore, 2005), and there is a expecting continuingly grow on the demand of tea related products. This trend is recognised by the Starbucks. Recently, Starbucks is offering t o buy Teavana Holding Inc, which sells high-end loose leaf tea in 300 shopping malls in US (The New Zealand Hearld, 2012). Starbucks already owns Tazo tea brand since 1999, and this purchase offer shows Starbucks growing interest in tea, and its willingness to expand its tea related products. Competitors The current competitors for Starbucks on bubble teas are other bubble tea shops. Most of these bubble tea shops are located in the Chinese or Asian restaurants, food courts, or the place where there is a big Chinese customer flow. The bubble tea was firstly introduced into New Zealand by these bubble tea shops. They have the advantage of being well known by the Asians and bubble tea lovers. Other advantages of these bubble tea shops are lower price and shops are offering other Asian cuisines. It is very common for people to order a cup of bubble tea while they having their lunch in Chinese or Asian restaurants or food courts. However, these bubble tea shops have their disadvantages. There are operating individually, and there is a lack of brand awareness for these bubble tea shops. For those who are unfamiliar with Asian cuisines, it is possible that they have never heard about bubble tea before. There is no domain brand in the bubble tea market at this moment, and most bubble tea shops are in small size. Lastly, the shop environment of these bubble shops is not very decent. Most of these shops have the similar store decoration level as fish and chips stores. Internal Environmental Factors Strength The internal environmental factors facing by Starbuck if it wants to promote bubble tea include its strong brand awareness across New Zealand. Starbucks is the leading retailer in coffee and other blended beverages. It is most welcomed by the young people and white-collars. It is well known on its modern in-store design and great customer services. There are 35 stores across the nation in New Zealand currently. Most of stores locate in CBDs or big shopping malls. This is a great platform and store chain to promote the bubble tea. In addition, Starbucks have well trained staffs in every store, which means Starbucks requires less training time on staff. Weaknesses However, Starbucks has its disadvantages. For some people, Starbucks has been considered as a fast food brand from the US, and the products Starbucks offered are nothing but fast food from mass production line. This will create a bad image for Starbuck if it wants to promote the health benefit of drinking tea based products. Another weakness of Starbucks is the requirement on machine upgrade and staff training as bubble tea is a brand new product for Starbucks. Lastly, although Starbucks has already offered tea based products, such as Green tea and Chai Tea beverages for years, the society still link Starbucks with coffee. This innate ideas from society will require Starbucks to spend time and money on convert such ideas during the promotion of bubble teas. External Environmental Factors Opportunities The opportunities facing by Starbucks for promoting bubble teas include the market trend of that more people are concerning the health issues and how their beverage could influence their health. Tea has been recognised as a healthier drink, and it could be expected there is a increasing demand on the tea related products. Another opportunity for Starbucks is the fact that although bubble tea market has many market players, there is no domain brand in the market. Starbucks has capital and brand advantages, with lower level of competition in the market, Starbucks could gain a big market share if it decides to introduce bubble tea in New Zealand. Threats However, because the barrier to enter the market is low, and there is really nothing to stop others to step into the market, the competition in bubble tea market could increase if other big brands, such as Coca cola or Pepsi decided to introduce their bubble tea products. Market Segmentation, Profile of the Target Market and Positioning of the Product Segmentation Factors The current New Zealand market could be divided into different segments based on demographic, geographic, psychographic, or behavioural. Demographic segmentation factors divide the population by age, income, gender, and education. There is a need to conduct a market research to better understanding the correlation between individuals demographic characters and their preference on bubble teas. However, it could be expected that young people and female might like bubble tea more. People who have a higher education level may also more concern about their health. This high level of health might lead them to drink more tea based products. Geographic segmentation factors divide the population into different geographic areas. However, New Zealand is a small country, and there is no big difference between people live in different cities, or live in rural or urban areas. Therefore, the geographic segmentation might be irrelevant in this case. Psychographic segmentation factor will divide the population by lifestyle and their interest to the Asian foods. As discussed previously, people who have a healthier lifestyle would like to have a health tea based drink. People who interested in Asian or Asian foods would have heard or tried bubble tea before. They are existing customers of bubble teas. It also means this group of people are more open to accept new taste and like to try something new. Lastly, behavioural segmentation factors divide the population by their loyalty status. There is not much difference between bubble tea offered by Starbucks and bubble tea from other bubble tea shops. The indifference on bubble tea products means Starbuck needs to focus on the customers who have a strong or absolute loyalty on the bubble teas offered by the Starbucks. Description of the Target market Based on the above discussion on the segmentation factors, this business plan could describe the target market for Starbucks. The target market of Starbucks bubble tea is those young people who have a higher education level, have a healthier lifestyle, who are interested in Asian or Asian foods, and who have a higher level of royalty to brands. Positioning of the New Product The position of bubble tea offered by Starbucks is a premium bubble tea offered by Starbucks. It is fashion, cute, and fulfilled the needs of younger people who like something sweet, health, and fun to drink. It is a bubble tea with a higher price compared to other bubble tea shops, but it is also a bubble tea offered in the great in-store environment with high quality services. It is also a bubble tea which served in the classics Starbucks clear plastic package with Starbucks famous two tails mermaid logo on the package. Measurable Marketing Objectives Starbucks is considering introducing bubble tea into New Zealand. It is going to branded as Bubblecino, and it will be introduced to public in all 35 stores across the nation. The objectives of the business plan for bubble tea in the next two years are: To increase the public brand awareness on Bubblecino, especially the public awareness about the health benefit of drinking tea based beverage and the fun and tasty of drinking Bubblecino Start with the most popular flavour and mixing formulas, Bubblecino will introduce a new flavours and mixture every months to gather the responds from the public and determine the best sellers To achieve NZ$1 million on the sales of bubble tea, which is the 50% of the estimated New Zealand market share, if there is no major competitors appeared during the next two years period Marketing Strategies Product Decisions The Bubblecino is going to make in store as other beverage in Starbucks. The Bubblecino is served in the half-round top, clear plastic cup which is also used for Green tea Frappuccino, and Tazo Chia. The reason to use clear plastic cup is that customers and other could see the colourful of beverage (depends on the flavours customers choose), and the chewing pearls at the bottom of cup. The reason to use half-round top is the customers could have the option of adding cream on top of their bubble teas. The straw will be slightly different to the straw used for Frappuccino. The straw will bigger so the chewing pearls could be easily sucked out. The straw will still be the classic Starbucks green. The package will help to differentiate the Bubblecino from other bubble teas, and help people to be aware that it is a cup of Bubblecino from Starbucks. The waiting time for bubble tea should be similar to the waiting time for other coffee products, which is normally no more than one minutes if the store is not very busy. When making the orders, customers have the choice of different fruit flavours, such as honeydew, watermelon, strawberry, bananas and other common fruit flavours. As discussed in previous section, Bubblecino will introduce new flavours every month to gather responds from customers about the taste of such flavours, and if such flavour is welcomed, it will stay on the menu. During the early marketing stage, a research is also needed to determine what mixture formulas and which flavours are most suitable and accepted by New Zealanders. There are three size of cups available, tall, grande, or venti (which represent small, median, or large respectively). Lastly, customers also have the options of adding cream on top of their bubble tea, upgrade to double chewing balls, or adding Nata (which is coconut gel and it is also c hewing). Pricing Decisions When deciding the pricing of Bubblecino, this marketing plan considers both internal factors and external factors. The first consideration is the cost of goods sold. The raw materials for Bubblecino include tea, milk, fruit flavours, chewing balls, cream (if customers order it), Nata (if customers order it) and package. According to Boba Tea (n.d.), the approximate cost for materials was USD $0.75, which was about NZD $1.00. The cost of cream and nata is difficult to determine at this stage and there are extras customers could add on, so this business plan will focus on the cost of making a regular bubble tea at this stage. The cost of package is around NZ$ 0.10 as there are similar plastic cups on sale on the internet for less than US$ 0.05 each. The labour cost of making a cup of Bubblecino will determine by the time required to make one. Assuming the labour cost is NZ$ 15.00 per hour and it would take around 2 minutes (1 minute to order and 1 minute to make), the labour cost of making a cup of Bubblecino is NZ$0.50. The cost of overhead is difficult to determine, with lack of information on the total overhead cost. Therefore, in this marketing plan, the overhead cost will be assumed as NZ$1.00 per cup. From above assumptions, the cost of making a cup of Bubblecino is around NZ$2.60. This cost gives Starbucks enough margins to set their prices. The external factors include the prices offered by competitors and customers expectations. Other bubble tea shops sell their regular bubble tea at NZ$5.00 per cup. However, customers should happy to pay more if the service they received is great and the in-store environment is great, as they understand Starbuck will have a higher level of overhead costs. In addition, Starbucks is selling their coffee and other beverage at around NZ$6 per cup. Therefore, it is reasonable and acceptable by the market to set a cup of Bubblecino at NZ$6.00 per tall cup, NZ$6.50 per grande cup, and NZ$7 per venti cup. Customers need to pay NZ50c more if they want double the chewing pearls, or add cream, or add Nata. At this selling price, every tall cup of regular bubble tea will give Starbucks a NZ$3.40 operating profit. This higher profit margin will help Starbucks to continuingly improve the quality of products and services, and become the premium retailers of bubble teas. Place (Distribution) Decisions The direct retail in 35 Starbucks stores across New Zealand will be the distribution channel for Bubblecino. Bubblecino will be offered in these stores as coffee or other beverages. These 35 stores are either located in CBDs or big shopping malls. Because the target market of Bubblecino is young people and white collars, these stores are the great distribution channel. There is a huge amount of customers flow past the store every day, especially during the weekend and holiday. This creates a good platform for Starbucks to distribute Bubblecino. Promotional Decisions The promotional decisions for Bubblecino include advertisement through the internet, outdoor displays, and signs at the back of buses. Internet advertisement includes advertising the introduction of new Bubblecino on Trademe, and other most frequent visiting websites in New Zealand. Facebook is also an efficiency way to promote new products, and it is a very common practice in food and beverage industry. Currently Starbucks New Zealand does not have a Facebook account. The marketing manager might consider opening an account for Bubblecino and using it to promote new products and new events. The outdoor displays outside of the stores will also help to advertise the new product as most of stores are located in the busy place where there are thousands of people walk past every day. The outdoor display is a low cost and very efficiency way to promote the new products. The signs at the back of buses have the similar effect as outdoor display do, but buses signs could reach beyond the CBDs or shopping malls. Because buses travelled to different places, including residential areas and industrial areas, it has a wider coverage to promote the new products. This advertisement mix has the advantage of lower cost but efficient to spread the awareness of new Bubblecino. Starbucks should also use sales promotions, such as sampling and coupons are also effective to promote new Bubblecino. Starbucks, and other food and beverages like to use sampling taste to promote their new products. It is quite often to see in the supermarket, malls, or on the street that staffs are offering taste samples to people who walk past. This will help customers to have a direct perceive about know how good and tasty their products are. The sampling will work better if the coupons are also used during the new product promotion. Marketing managers could consider to offer the coupons, such as two cups at price of one on group buy websites, such as GrabOne and TreatMe. It is a very efficiency way to quickly generate big amount of sales for new products, and start to build its customers base. It also attracts customers who have seen the products, but was not bother to try. Coordination and Control The success of a market plan is also determined by its coordination and control. One of the most important coordination is ensuring the flow of the feedback and information among different departments in the Starbucks. The stores need to report the sales and responds from customers to marketing department to help them decide the appropriate marketing decisions. The marketing department needs to inform the store about any special or coupons they are going to advertise so the stores could prepare themselves well for the possible increase demand and sales. Another important factor is the review. There is no marketing plan which will work forever. Through the time and change of situations, the marketing department needs to review its market plan according the external and internal environments, such as change of market share, or new competitors entering the market. The review will also help marketing department to determine and evaluate the success of a marketing plan and whether and how such marketing plan need to adjust.
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